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by cmgee67
Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:14 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40435

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

I’ve been a yeti owner since the beginning. The fact is they work. The other fact is so does ozark trail from Walmart. The fit an finish in a lot of yeti products is better than some other brands but I just don’t think that in today’s market yeti is worth the price. I use a Magellan 25 from academy that my wife got me for Christmas. It’s a rotomolded cooler like yeti and works just the same and was 1/2 the price of the same size cooler that yeti makes. I’ve also got an ozark trail soft side 20 can cooler that rivals the yeti soft side that cost 200$. Mine cost me 24$ on sale. It’s leak proof and very nicely made. I think like most things you pay for the name. We all know this happens especially in the gun world.

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