Solaris wrote:Incorrect understanding.
BBL can be < 18 if it maintains 26 length.
(6) The term “short-barreled shotgun” means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length and any weapon made from a shotgun (whether by alteration, modification or otherwise) if such a weapon as modified has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches
so cut BBL or stock as you prefer, just keep it 26 OAL.
Actually - the BATF technical comment on this is regarding a weapon that never had a shoulder stock attached and therefore is not a shotgun, it is just a firearm. Therefore it can have a pistol grip and a short barrel and is still not an AOW regardless of length. The way I read it (and it would not be the first time I have read something wrong) - you shorten the barrel of a shoulder mounted stock on a classified 'shotgun' to under the 18" rule it will not matter if it is 26". And, Texas probably does not agree with the BATF technical letter so one could be in a jackpot with the State as well, or instead of the Feds.