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by Archery1
Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:56 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting
Replies: 17
Views: 8757

Re: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Archery1 wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Archery1 wrote:If I had the time, I could pull at least 6 posts from just the last year on our community Facebook page where reports of cars being hit, porch post, fences, and whizzing bullets heard through folks' yards - all target/plinker shooting. Lived here 57 years without such carelessness going on. It ain't that hard to know where your bullet is going to stop against what and what's in line between, but I think we have a generation now that doesn't care.
I'm just curious..... whereabouts do you live? Is it near a range, or is it people shooting on public land?
No, it's very rural, outside city limits. Backyard shooters. Lots of it as small mini ranches are replacing the rice fields. Its just plain irresponsible shooting, careless folks, and more and more them. Every weekend, in variuos parts, it tannerite parties that rock the town. There seems a certain level of lack of repect and care that's coming with it thats more concerning. When it was way more rural, none of this went on.
That’s a shame. I’m sorry your having to put up with this.
I just wonder if other urban sprawl areas are having similar issue. It's really just a small town, low crime, place. Here's a sample of what various folks report and some of what goes on from just recent months (scrolled postings back to August), one town:

"I debated whether I should post this but in efforts to find the individual that shot 6 or more bullets in my home at 2:05 am last night I feel the need to. There is a bullet in my son's wall, kitchen, broken windows and brick............... Please message me if you hear of anything."

"We do not care about people shooting on their property as we do it ourselves however whomever was shooting last night was once again sending bullets flying through our property and almost hit us while we were on our back porch. We are tired of this happening and we want it to stop."

"Two times in the last month we have had multiple stray bullets go through our property and almost hit my husband and I and even some friends."

"We are very worried because my mom babysits small children and the bullets are coming very close to my parents part of the house. Help would be much appreciated thanks."

"Some (edited) decided to fire a gun off this morning about 740- while people were outside waiting for the bus (which was late)!" "Had your aim been a little off and missed the only tree in my yard- myself or my son would be in the hospital right now and the police would looking for you for more than just Windows being shot out on the truck! !"
Bullet Hole.jpg
Yes, the County sends out folks to tell other folks to be more careful, but that's about the extent of the law till someone gets hit.
by Archery1
Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting
Replies: 17
Views: 8757

Re: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Archery1 wrote:If I had the time, I could pull at least 6 posts from just the last year on our community Facebook page where reports of cars being hit, porch post, fences, and whizzing bullets heard through folks' yards - all target/plinker shooting. Lived here 57 years without such carelessness going on. It ain't that hard to know where your bullet is going to stop against what and what's in line between, but I think we have a generation now that doesn't care.
I'm just curious..... whereabouts do you live? Is it near a range, or is it people shooting on public land?
No, it's very rural, outside city limits. Backyard shooters. Lots of it as small mini ranches are replacing the rice fields. Its just plain irresponsible shooting, careless folks, and more and more them. Every weekend, in variuos parts, it tannerite parties that rock the town. There seems a certain level of lack of repect and care that's coming with it thats more concerning. When it was way more rural, none of this went on.
by Archery1
Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:02 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting
Replies: 17
Views: 8757

Re: Pregnant nanny, 24, dies after being hit by stray bullet in Arizona desert popular for target shooting

If I had the time, I could pull at least 6 posts from just the last year on our community Facebook page where reports of cars being hit, porch post, fences, and whizzing bullets heard through folks' yards - all target/plinker shooting. Lived here 57 years without such carelessness going on. It ain't that hard to know where your bullet is going to stop against what and what's in line between, but I think we have a generation now that doesn't care.

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