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by gigag04
Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:25 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Pass/Fail
Replies: 47
Views: 16705

Re: What in THe WIde World of Sports

Rabbi wrote:(W.D.Ky. 1903)
1903....this has got be a joke?

It was a good convo to get me thinking but....I think it has run its course on this one.

vote: lock
by gigag04
Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:38 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Pass/Fail
Replies: 47
Views: 16705

Re: What in THe WIde World of Sports

Rabbi wrote:In some cases, (but not all) this would include places such as Post offices, Railroad right of ways, federal public works projects. Federal Lands, Military bases, Federal Dams and so on.
Post offices again... :deadhorse:

If there is a CHL shooting in a post office, military base or something like have more problems than how they qualified. Why are they carrying there?

by gigag04
Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:01 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Pass/Fail
Replies: 47
Views: 16705

I'll side with the "this is a non-issue crowd."

Here's why, FWIW....:

1. txinvestigator is the head instructor at a large training center in the metroplex. He's a former LEO, and works with LEOs daily. In my mind, He knows more than I do, and thus...I believe him when he says it is not a real concern.

2. Chaz is an attorney and follows SD issues routinely, as well as teaching on legal ramifications of such encounters. He, again, knows much more than I do on this topic, and thus, I believe him when he says it is not a big deal.

As far as this discussion, I consider these two gentlemen to be much more "in the know" on this subject than the rest of us. I don't want to get into a qualifications debate...I'm merely sharing why I trust the stance of these two.

To add some comic relief...I reflect back to an old school post on here about gmail, some of us just have our tin-foil hats on too tight :lol:

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