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by gigag04
Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:52 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO smuggles pocket of live ammo at IAH security
Replies: 21
Views: 4087

Re: LEO smuggles pocket of live ammo at IAH security

Depends...since by law I am allowed to have such things in that area, there isn't any charges to file. On a non-leo person, the ofc may deside to use discretion on something like that. Or he may take a report and they can get a warrant if they detectives/CA decide to prosecute it.

On site arrest would be unlikely but possible.
by gigag04
Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO smuggles pocket of live ammo at IAH security
Replies: 21
Views: 4087

LEO smuggles pocket of live ammo at IAH security

By request.

It is like Dec 22nd +/- a few days. I have a 12 hour day at the department's training range, we are going to go from 8am-8pm. My dad has recently gotten a new 52ft Benetau sail boat and has invited my girlfriend and I to fly in for the weekend and sail around SoCal with him - so me in my infinite wisdom book a 1050 pm flight out of IAH, when I'm training about 2 hours away. About 745 I tell our rangemaster that I need to leave to make my flight, so I strip down pistol, AR, and shotgun, and clean the same. I jump in my car and the road.

Now mind you all day long we are doing running and shooting drills, stoppage drills, and setting up different scenarios for tactical reloads. We constantly were getting the command "OK now load 6 in one mag, and 6 in another." Our G22 mags hold 15 so you dump some into you're highly pocketed 5.11 pants and setup the drill. You fish out what you can to setup the next one, but obviously you miss a few her and there. Especially since 5.11 is of the opinion that "tactical" means lot's of pockets.

So, back to driving, traffic was light and I managed to get parked no problem. My gf works inside IAH behind security so she is grabbing a drink waiting on me to get in. I go through the checkpoint, no checked baggage, and I keep setting off the metal detector. I bartended for 3 years at this airport and am well aware how to go through security fast, and hassle free. All my metal was off, but I keep tripping it up.

So, after 2 strikes I get wanded and it keeps alerting on my knee area (you know...where the big cargo pocket is). So, he says he's going to pat me down. I say go ahead as I get it...I do it daily. He asks "what is this" when he feels something in my leg pocket. I tell him I have no idea, I can't see it, and can barely feel it. We open up the pocket and I'm like "oh cool a few rounds leftover. You can have those." I had some in my other pocket too but not many, maybe 5-6 total. I didn't think it was a big deal as they used to take wine openers away from me for years. They guy looks at me and is like "umm...yeah...sit down right here." I try to tell him it's OK, I'm an LEO, I show him a badge and ID card and he is like..."ummm yeah..." and then wanders off, closing me in the glass terrorist box (terminal E).

I start this isn't good. I have 40 minutes till my flight and these guys aren't in a hurry to help me. I'm notified that they have called HPD to investigate and I will not be making my flight. Understandably this is not acceptable to me, but who am I at this point. I politely inform them that per Texas and US law LEOs are on a short list of people authorized to carry loaded weapons beyond the checkpoints of airports. They kind of shrug and go on with everything else. A new TSA officer comes by to "keep an eye" on me. I know that as soon as the police show up this will cleared up, and I let them know I understand they are doing their job. I begin to put my things back together and get dressed. They TSA officer tells me not to. I POLITELY tell him I understand his concern, but I think I can make my flight, and if it's ok with him I would like to get ready to haul outta there as soon as I'm cleared. He shrugs and says "whatever." So I'm dressed and on the phone updating my gf of the current turn of events. Then they start hollering to get off the phone. Here is where I kind of messed, but I was mad about being told "whatever" and that it was taking HPD 30 minutes + respond when there was a marked unit outside the entrance to terminal E - so I kindly reply "or what?"

Well that went over well and then they started demanding my phone number (I'm sure to add me some watch list or something). The OIC of the TSA guys was being helpful and let me know that he was trying to get a hold of continental to reschedule my flight. I tell him thanks but I think I can make it.

Anyway - at the last possible second HPD shows up, tells me he's sorry that I had to deal with all this and sends me on his way - after exchanging the usual professional greetings and so on. I make it to my gate with about 2 minutes to finish the beer I grabbed on the way - at a brisk walk at that.

My GF found this whole episode hilarious. Especially since as she put it "I ruin people's days for a living." HPD guy took the rounds. For the most part the TSA guys did a good job at being professional and working with me in a sticky situation. They followed their SOP's despite my best efforts, so I have no complaints.

But this is definitely a blooper I will not repeat.

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