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by gigag04
Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:10 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st ticket
Replies: 45
Views: 7217

Re: 1st ticket

.30calSolution wrote:
gigag04 wrote:
.30calSolution wrote:Also, you can question the equipment he was using and ask to see if the inspection is up to date on the calibration, if it isn't it will be thrown out due to possibly faulty equipment
*HIGHLY* unlikely but technically possible. Also a good officer has your speed visually estimated before he confirms it with a radar/lidar. If you were speeding and choose to lie about in court to get out of the fine - you commit perjury. My conscience won't allow me to do that. I'll take my licks and move on in my life.
If their equipment is not up to date with the state and federal standards it will be tossed out. There's no Ifs ands or buts about it. As far as I know they have to have it checked to make sure it's calibrated correctly yearly, so if they haven't your home free. Unless you live in the state I just came from, Ohio, they can just write you that ticket because it sounded like you were speeding.
Riiiight. So - can you find me a department that is using equipment out of certification? Also can you post the federal and state requirements?
by gigag04
Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st ticket
Replies: 45
Views: 7217

Re: 1st ticket

.30calSolution wrote:Also, you can question the equipment he was using and ask to see if the inspection is up to date on the calibration, if it isn't it will be thrown out due to possibly faulty equipment
*HIGHLY* unlikely but technically possible. Also a good officer has your speed visually estimated before he confirms it with a radar/lidar. If you were speeding and choose to lie about in court to get out of the fine - you commit perjury. My conscience won't allow me to do that. I'll take my licks and move on in my life.
by gigag04
Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:53 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st ticket
Replies: 45
Views: 7217

Re: 1st ticket

mctowalot wrote:Isn't there a state where the driver can pay the ticket directly to the officer? Or is that only in Mexico?
Montana troops can accept fines. But a speeding ticket is like $20 there.
by gigag04
Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:41 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st ticket
Replies: 45
Views: 7217

Re: 1st ticket

Hoi Polloi wrote:I had the same thing happen to me driving through south Texas. I had the cruise control on, was going from one freeway to another, an officer pulled me over shining his flood light into my rearview mirror on purpose while I was driving slowly with my flashers on waiting to get off a bridge to pull over, and then he said I was doing something like 12 over, but he'd be nice and only give me 9 over when my cruise was set to 4 over, which was 1 under from the previous highway. Ridiculous.
Light in the mirror is so he can see you hiding drugs and grabbing a weapon.

Just because your un-certified speedometer reads a certain speed does not mean that is the actual speed of the vehicle.

We have done some tests at work with our personal vehicles and factory speedos are not always correct. Usually they read over what you are really going. Sometimes they get it backwards and you get paper.

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