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by gigag04
Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:17 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Never leave home without it.....
Replies: 23
Views: 3669

Re: Never leave home without it.....

No biggie....

People forget their wallet all the time.

Most decent in car computers can search dl/id cards by name/dob OR by #.

The dispatcher can verify the CHL.

Even if some golfball wants to write you for fail to display it's a cheap class C charge (although featherleg IMO).

Only time I use it is when somone is lying about their name (Fail to ID - false info, which is a Class B). I can't PROVE they are lying on the side of the road. So, i sack them for fail to display and do a two finger lookup at the jail.

Now I have the class b too.

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