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by WTR
Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:08 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: My Water Line Burst
Replies: 51
Views: 11440

Re: My Water Line Burst

troglodyte wrote:As mentioned you need to get the water out of the pipe as it will be a huge heat sink as it evaporates. If it is PVC then you'll have to make sure the pipe is dry (although they make glues that work with a little water). Another trick I learned for those pesky drips or very small trickles that you just can't get rid of is to stuff bread into the pipes. The bread absorbs the water, expands, and will hold the water for a short period of time until the bread breaks down. How much bread to stuff into the pipes and how far is a quick learning curve and determines how fast you have to work. Sometimes you just have to keep stuffing in bread until you finish. I generally tried not to us the crust as it doesn't absorb water as well and tends to leak. When finished open up the outside hydrant on the house. It should be inline with the water line. This will allow the soggy bread to blow out before it gets to your faucet aerators or in your shower head.
Make sure it is white bread...... No whole grain breads
by WTR
Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:52 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: My Water Line Burst
Replies: 51
Views: 11440

Re: My Water Line Burst

AndyC wrote:Sweating copper piping: ... /view-all/

I learned how to do this when helping a friend build a hunting camp; not hard. Flux is the magic ingredient - don't ignore it.
Make sure you clean the copper shiny new, use plenty of flux and purge all the water so it does not act as a heat sink.

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