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by WTR
Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:43 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: be cautious traveling to Juarez
Replies: 25
Views: 5578

Re: be cautious traveling to Juarez

LeonCarr wrote: Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:34 pm Once upon a time myself and another Deputy did a prisoner transport and pickup in El Paso. We had to drop off one guy at the TDCJ facility in El Paso, and pick up another guy at the El Paso County Jail to take back to Sweetwater for trial. Before doing the pickup, we had lunch at Applebee's on I-10 in El Paso. As we walked up to the entrance, I noticed "pock marks" all over the outside of the building that were obviously made by high speed projectiles.

We sat down for lunch and when the waitress took our drink orders, I ask her about the pock marks on the building. In a very nonchalant manner she said, "Oh, those are from the bullets flying across the border from Juarez" :shock:

Fast forward to two years ago when we were staying overnight in El Paso on the way to Arizona. The Holiday Inn Express we were staying at had a beautiful view of the border fence and Ciudad Juarez. Later that night after supper I was walking the dog in the parking lot and across the border it sounded like popcorn popping.

I am not going to Juarez.

Just my .02,

I think Alpplebees was feeding you a line of hog wash. Every time ( very few ) rounds land in the US side it is major new ( last time even made Fox News). I don’t think Applebee’s would pass on the free advertising. I have seen ( tracers) and heard a fire fight more to the entirior of Juarez. Also, Just last week I heard automatic fire come from a house ( about 50 yards off the river and I am working about 100 yards off the river). 30 min. Later an ambulance arrived and took a sheet covered body.
by WTR
Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:51 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: be cautious traveling to Juarez
Replies: 25
Views: 5578

Re: be cautious traveling to Juarez

A wall will do nothing to stop the flow of illegals. They will either go over or under it. Eyes on the ground is the only meathod which has stopped the flow in the 50+ years that I have witnessed it.
by WTR
Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:37 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: be cautious traveling to Juarez
Replies: 25
Views: 5578

Re: be cautious traveling to Juarez

oljames3 wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:32 pm
WTR wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:28 pm
oljames3 wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:19 pm I was stationed on Ft Bliss in January, 1973. The Drill Sergeants told us the Post Commanding General had made Juarez off limits for military personnel

There was nothing dangerous about Juarez in 73. Just cheap beer, cheap had liquor and cheap hookers for a young soldier to make a fool of himself with.
I never had a reason to investigate Juarez. However, when the Army National Guard put me back on active duty in 2004, I ran IT for the Texas Joint Counter Drug Taskforce. I read the daily briefings. Scary.

Operative word.....Drug.
by WTR
Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:28 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: be cautious traveling to Juarez
Replies: 25
Views: 5578

Re: be cautious traveling to Juarez

oljames3 wrote: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:19 pm I was stationed on Ft Bliss in January, 1973. The Drill Sergeants told us the Post Commanding General had made Juarez off limits for military personnel

There was nothing dangerous about Juarez in 73. Just cheap beer, cheap had liquor and cheap hookers for a young soldier to make a fool of himself with.
by WTR
Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: be cautious traveling to Juarez
Replies: 25
Views: 5578

Re: be cautious traveling to Juarez

If you stay in the right areas and are not envolved in drugs or guns and Juarez is about like Chicago. I have friends who do business in Juarez on a weekly basis. I also have friends who visit family over there every weekend. I wouldn’t party and raise heck over there like we did in the 70’s. Although killing is on the rise again over there, it is not a War Zone.

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