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by parabelum
Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:13 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Traveling to Vermont
Replies: 19
Views: 5734

Re: Traveling to Vermont

Time has come, after a little delay, we are headed out the door and on the road here in an hour.

Not looking forward having to lock up our guns in the safe in PA before we cross into commie NY :banghead:

I really hope that Trump will do something to allow law abiding citizens to travel through a State like NY without having to go through the process of being disarmed, or having to leave their beloved G23 with 13rd mags at home.

Will listen in to the inauguration today as we drive. Bum is out of the office today!

by parabelum
Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:08 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Traveling to Vermont
Replies: 19
Views: 5734

Re: Traveling to Vermont

Yes, we shall stop, lock box them, drive 300 feet, stop, take them out of box, go again....


Then you have places like NH where TX chl is not recognized, but you can carry in vehicle as long as it's in open view/plain sight. :lol::
by parabelum
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:41 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Traveling to Vermont
Replies: 19
Views: 5734

Traveling to Vermont

We will be headed up to Vermont again here in the next few weeks.

In the past, once we got to the proximity of the fascist NY State, its take the gun out of holster, empty it, put it into a lockbox separate from ammo/mags time...

Anyone know if this still applies when going through that State, or has anything changed in the last year or so?

I know we're good in AR, TN, KY, WV, PA and VT, but it's that idiotic NY State.

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