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by parabelum
Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:02 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Report expired paper tags
Replies: 47
Views: 14913

Re: Report expired paper tags

So she has expired plates for a year, then eventually gets new plates, then she totals her car, now she’s got a new car with expired paper plates again, and her sister also drives with expired plates for couple of years? There seems to be way too much time spent watching other folks, no offense. I tend to be more libertarian and stick to minding my business personally. Have you tried to be a good neighbor and see if she’s going through a rough patch, screwed up family issues, maybe lend a helping hand?
Sorry, I’m just not seeing the point.
I say that because few years back I had a neighbor who had grass 3 foot tall, his front porch looked like it is abandoned house, it was frustrating. Ugly sight in a otherwise nice neighborhood. I talked to the man however just to see if there is anything I could do, mow? Turns out he was laid off right after his dad died and just fell apart emotionally and financially. We talked. After I left I no longer felt upset because of the eyesore front porch/yard but blessed with what I have. Just saying, there’s often more than meets the eye.

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