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by WildBill
Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:41 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Aaaaaaadadafafaf
Replies: 37
Views: 6091

Re: Handcuffs?

Gray wrote:Well hopefully, my family isnt in some bg's escape path when a chl'er injures him & doesnt detain.Thanks for replies, yall helped me decide what I would do in this scenario.
Having your family out of the path should be part of your family's personal protection training scenario. If you are between the BG and your family and he continues his attack you already know what to do.
by WildBill
Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:36 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Aaaaaaadadafafaf
Replies: 37
Views: 6091

Re: Handcuffs?

Welcome Gray - This topic has been discussed previously and the consensus in not to have or use handcuffs. There are variety of reasons not to use handcuffs.

1. You have a CHL and are not an LEO.

2. You have to get close to the BG to put on cuffs. If you get that close then he can harm you. He might be faking just to lure you close enough to try to take your gun or harm you. If he is obviously hurt so badly [or dead] that he can't harm you then you don't need handcuffs anyway.

3. You don't want to be exposed to the BG's blood. A knee in the back is also not a good idea. Keep the downed BG covered from a safe distance.

4. LEOs with experience and specialized training can have problems handcuffing an uncooperative BG. Most LEOs probably prefer to have a backup officer when cuffing a suspect.

5. There is also a possibility of causing injury by the improper use of handcuffs.

If you are going to carry extra gear, bring some more bullets.

P.S. I am unsure about your comment about body armor, but I am sure that others will post their opinions shortly. :tiphat:

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