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by WildBill
Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641


Heisenberg wrote:I'm curious how a Japanese company's executive offices in California responded to your complaint about a dealership not allowing you to carry a gun.
Me too. I have worked for two Japanese companies so I am curious how they would respond to your call.
by WildBill
Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:22 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641


Cedar Park Dad wrote:
steveincowtown wrote:
ATDM wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:Aren't these independently owned dealerships? I don't see how sending it to the US headquarters (especially in Cali) is going to be effective.
Although they are independently owned, I am sure that Toyota Corporation is interested in making more sales through the dealership. They may not be able to give orders, but they may be willing to request some type of policy change to protect their interests.

Regardless of that, it was the only choice I had, since there is absolutely no contact information (other than phone numbers) for Red McCombs management, or corporate, or even local dealerships.

Jim Mangano- General Manager

I would assume anything addressed to him and sent to the dealer would reach his desk.
I suggest addressing the envelope "PERSONAL" to make sure it gets opened by the General Manager.
by WildBill
Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:33 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641

Re: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.

Texas_Blaze wrote:their right to not allow you & me to exercise ours.
I don't think a complaint from such a small segment (chl holders) worries businesses much.
Don't like it, don't buy.
I would think that a person who has a huge gun collection and contributes to politicians who support the rights of gun ownership doesn't think that way.
by WildBill
Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641

Re: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.

I didn't realize that Red McCombs was so famous [and so wealthy ;-) ].

It has been reported that Mr. McCombs has quite a gun collection, including several Gatling guns.

I wonder if he knows about the sign at his dealership?" onclick=";return false; ... 875510.php" onclick=";return false;
by WildBill
Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:03 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641

Re: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.

Abraham wrote:Given Wildbill's quick response by a car dealership after he made his case known on a car website - you could consider such an approach?

The internet can be a powerful tool.

His sales force will be happy too.

They don't want return customers NOT returning.
Thanks Abraham.

One more point I wanted to make is that I didn't have any personal problem with the people working at the dealership. I don't think that any of them were trying to lie or intentionally put me off. The real issue was that they were low-level customer service employees who performed many different functions [had too much to do] and didn't have the clout to make sure that something got done. It wasn't until the complaint reached top management that it got solved.
by WildBill
Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.06
Replies: 40
Views: 8641

Re: Red McCombs Toyota on I-10 now has a "sort of" valid 30.

TexasGal wrote:What's wrong with a call to the owner of the dealership? Politely tell him how many cars you have purchased (while being armed and no one was in danger). Now you find a sign that tells you customers like you are no longer welcome so you are saddened to have to sever a relationship that has been good up until now. If you come off as angry, that will only give an impression the decision to keep armed people with anger issues out of the area was the correct one. Leaving the impression a good customer is sad to see he must form a new relationship with a competitor on the other hand...
There isn't anything wrong with a call, but the chances are you won't talk to anyone with any influence or decision-making authority. There are hundreds of employees at a car dealership so getting to the right person can be quite a challenge.

I bought a new car last year and had a small issue that dragged on for a couple of months. I made numerous phone calls and emails and got all kinds of promises. I made two trips to the dealership and still didn't get my problem fixed.

It wasn't until I posted a comment on a car website that I finally got some action. Within two hours of my post I got a call from the Sales Manager. Within two days my problem was solved. They even came to work to pick up my car and left me a free loaner car.

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