I have both types, and am actually considering paring down to one primary weapon platform. Most of my polymer's are Glocks. For me, the evaluation is as follows:
Reliability = small nod to my Glocks simply because they are the AK equivalent of a handgun. Pull trigger and gun goes bang. Simple. Easy. Reliable. My 1911's are also very reliable, but I have to give a small nod to the Glocks.
Accuracy = 1911, but this depends in large part on the specific polymer gun we are comparing it to. The G21 is as accurate as any of my 1911's. My G26 is much less accurate than any 1911. I am leaving out my BUG's from this compare since there is no real 1911 comparison (in size) to a Kel Tec P3AT or a J frame revolver.
Round capacity = Glocks. Although if you confine yourself to just 45 caliber models, the 1911's are not that far behind similarly sized Glocks.
Concealability = 1911. This one is odd to me. If you look at the specs, a Glock is basically the same width as a 1911, but it just seems much, much thinner when it is sitting in a holster on your hip.
Comfort of carry = 1911. I just cannot find a Glock holster that is nearly as comfortable as a 1911.
Appearance = 1911. There is really no contest here. Glocks are ugly. Although I will say that my S&W 686 revolver is probably the prettiest gun I own. That said, appearance is pretty much a non-factor for me.
So where does that leave me? Still deciding. But I hope to make a decision soon. When I do, I will be posting some weapons and holsters for sale here (either Glocks or 1911's)......
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- by Soccerdad1995
- Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:11 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Why a 1911?
- Replies: 53
- Views: 12248
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