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by Soccerdad1995
Wed May 25, 2016 9:28 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Gun Show George R Brown CCW
Replies: 25
Views: 7047

Re: Gun Show George R Brown CCW

C-dub wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
zimmerdesignz wrote:For me it was not an arguing point. If you would be taking your gun out of holster or open carry it was to prevent Negligent Discharges. If you were CC and not taking it out then walk right in, no problems. I agree with this behaviour at a gun show to prevent the Negligent Discharge. Have you seen some of the people at gun shows. Some of them are not top of the gene pool and I would be worried about a discharge LOL.
It is illegal for this show operator to require OC'ers to disable their weapons, unless the OC'ers plan to unholster at some point, of course. I understand that you personally are OK with this illegal requirement, but please understand that it is still illegal. This is an important distinction.
I was kind of wondering the same thing. I'm not sure if it is illegal to be required to disable or unload a firearm that is being carried in a legal manor. They are not saying that we can't OC, but requiring us to disable the gun. I'm not sure about holsters other than my own, but I'm not sure my handgun will fit back into my holster with that zip tie on it. Do many?
Hopefully others will chime in, but here is my 2 cents. If it is illegal to prohibit OC (or CC), then logic would dictate that it is also illegal to require that you render your gun unusable in order to carry it. Also, as you point out, it may be impossible to re-holster your gun with the required zip tie, depending on holster design.

Now if you wish to carry your weapon in your hand, and not in a holster, then I believe that restrictions can be placed on that activity, since you have no legal right to do that, barring explicit permission.
by Soccerdad1995
Wed May 25, 2016 8:39 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Gun Show George R Brown CCW
Replies: 25
Views: 7047

Re: Gun Show George R Brown CCW

zimmerdesignz wrote:For me it was not an arguing point. If you would be taking your gun out of holster or open carry it was to prevent Negligent Discharges. If you were CC and not taking it out then walk right in, no problems. I agree with this behaviour at a gun show to prevent the Negligent Discharge. Have you seen some of the people at gun shows. Some of them are not top of the gene pool and I would be worried about a discharge LOL.
It is illegal for this show operator to require OC'ers to disable their weapons, unless the OC'ers plan to unholster at some point, of course. I understand that you personally are OK with this illegal requirement, but please understand that it is still illegal. This is an important distinction.
by Soccerdad1995
Tue May 24, 2016 10:28 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Gun Show George R Brown CCW
Replies: 25
Views: 7047

Re: Gun Show George R Brown CCW

AJSully421 wrote:
rotor wrote:
338winmag wrote:It's on government property. They can't stop you.
Went to the Wichita Falls Gun and Knife show yesterday which is on City owned property and couldn't believe it was posted 30.06 and 30.07. The deputy sheriff people manning the entrance were actually part of the illegal act of keeping licensed people out of the show. I did not enter but apparently the deputies (I guess off duty) were requiring people to unload their guns and use one of those plastic ties to enter or put their guns in their cars. So we have LEO people illegally denying lawful entrance into a gun show on City of Wichita Falls property. Of course by the time any action can be taken the show will be over. Email to sheriff and city manager done. They lost my business at that gun show. Signs will be down on Monday as show will be over. Posted to
Just because the signs are not up for three consecutive days does not mean that you cannot still file with the city and complain to the AG's office. It might take a while, but file it and I bet that the show in 3-4 months from now won't have a 30.06 sign.
:iagree: The violation is by the property owner, not the show operator. The property owner needs official notice by the AG that they are committing a crime by posting these illegal signs. Then if they allow the same property to be illegally posted again 6 months later, they should get a daily fine X 180 days (from the original AG ruling).

We really need to tighten this up in the next legislative session. This criminal act should be treated the same as any other criminal act. If a property owner instructed their employees to assault people as they walked in the door, the police would be called and the offenders would be arrested. I would like to see the same happen to anyone enforcing these illegal signs, especially if they are off duty LEO's who should know better.

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