There are a lot of unjust infringements by government. If you're wondering why OCT didn't decide to protest this specific law, then I'd guess it has something to do with the fact that OCT is focused on gun rights, and specifically the right to open carry guns. I wouldn't expect PETA to get up in arms about voting rights issues for the same reason.mojo84 wrote:My point isn't so much about the ordinance. It's about the fact it is less sensational than standing on the corner with a rifle across one's chest and challenging cops for attention and video recordings. Since it's at night when virtually no one will see what is going on and doesn't involve guns, it just doesn't get the same attention from the self appointed constitutional rights protectors that thrive on attention and publicity.
Thanks for participating.
The ordinance in this thread is probably more in the wheelhouse of a group like the ACLU, at least in theory.