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by Soccerdad1995
Tue May 01, 2018 5:18 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40633

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

SQLGeek wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:I have a few miscellaneous coolers around the house that get used from time to time. New coolers seem to be purchased while traveling... Fly someplace (OBX), need a cooler for less than the $50 (round trip) it would cost to check it as baggage. I've tossed out a lot of Styrofoam coolers over the years, or left them for the next guy at rentals.

I'm definitely not in Yetis demographic. :lol:
I knew I liked you for a reason. :lol:
I once left a couple bottles of wine in a rental car for a similar reason. Got them as part of a giveaway while travelling, and I wasn't checking bags (not that I would trust the bottles in my checked baggage anyway). Too much cost and hassle to ship given that we were talking about $20 to $30 retail for both bottles. I figured that the guys cleaning the car might be able to use them.
by Soccerdad1995
Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:00 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40633

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

comp73 wrote:Yeti is now claiming that the NRA-ILA is misrepresenting the issue. YETI claims that they just got rid of an "outdated discounting program" for multiple companies, including the NRA, while offering an "alternative customization program". The statement ends with Yeti stating they support both the US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment.

This looks like a reaction to the many negative comments and emails they must be receiving over this. My gut is telling me that Yeti is full of it.

Anyone know somebody high up within the NRA that might be able to confirm or deny....


Given the current state of the situation, if YETI is supportive of the NRA, they need to come out and say exactly that. None of this bull about "supporting the second amendment". That statement is next to meaningless without specific direct action. They are trying to refute a claim that they do not support the NRA. If this claim is false, then say "we support the NRA". It's really just that simple.
by Soccerdad1995
Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:08 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40633

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

flechero wrote:I wonder how many thousands of "contact us" emails were waiting in their in box this morning! :lol:

When yeti began, there entire customer base were gun owners... now they are hip- I hope they choke (financially speaking) on that arrogance.
Here is the e-mail I just sent them.
I just received notice that you are cutting ties with the NRA. I am disappointed to hear this. As a hunter and fisherman, I have been one of your customers. I own several of your products. You are not less expensive than your competitors. And your products are not better. But I have chosen to buy Yeti because you are a Texas company. And I mistakenly believed that you supported Texans like me. People who like to hunt, fish, host barbeque's and crawfish boils. And who are, of course, NRA members.

Now that you have made it clear that you don't consider people like me to be worthy of your products, rest assured that I will never again sully your precious products by buying them in the future.

Quite frankly, your company disgusts me and I sincerely hope that you all burn in hell.

Sincerely yours,

by Soccerdad1995
Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:13 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40633

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

Wow. Just wow.

I thought Yeti sold products to hunters and fishermen. A lot of whom are the NRA. I have bought several tumblers from them, but went with RTIC for my larger coolers. I am so glad I made that decision! As far as Yeti, if they don't want my business, that's fine. They can sell exclusively to non-NRA members. I'm sure it won't cost them more than a quarter or a half of their revenues.

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