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by LucasMcCain
Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:39 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Sub 2000 optics
Replies: 24
Views: 4974

Re: Sub 2000 optics

The Annoyed Man wrote:...beard...
It didn't catch mine, but mine is no longer of the length that yours is, judging by your avatar. I had to shave it a couple months ago for a work thing. It's only an inch or so long at the moment. I could certainly see it catching a beard of superior magnitude, such as you possess. :tiphat:
by LucasMcCain
Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:35 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Sub 2000 optics
Replies: 24
Views: 4974

Re: Sub 2000 optics

The Annoyed Man wrote:Which magazine version of the Sub 2000 did you get? I'd be happy with either a G17 or G19 mag-well, but I'm not going to pay an inflated price for one either - not when I have alternatives.
I got the G17 version. I've gotten to shoot it a couple times now, and I love the thing. I got a couple of the G18 mags for it, and it's just a ton of fun. Accurate, stable, and compact. I really don't have much bad to say about it. The charging handle is annoying, but that's really it. I would highly recommend picking one up, but I wouldn't pay an inflated price either. I paid MSRP, but if you keep calling Academy you should be able to find one for about $70 under. You also might be able to get Cabela's to special order you one. I'm not sure.
by LucasMcCain
Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:06 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Sub 2000 optics
Replies: 24
Views: 4974

Re: Sub 2000 optics

I got mine at Cabela's for $500 and tax, which is what Kel-Tec says is MSRP. Academy sells them for $429, but I had been checking every Academy within 100 miles of me daily for a couple weeks and had no luck. The only one I could find at the last couple gun shows I had been to was $700, and I'm just not willing to get upcharged like that. I haven't gotten to shoot it yet, but it seems to be a pretty cool gun. It fits in a briefcase I converted to a range case. Fits quite well into a laptop bag I have too, while still leaving plenty of room for a laptop.
by LucasMcCain
Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:23 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Sub 2000 optics
Replies: 24
Views: 4974

Sub 2000 optics

So I finally managed to get my hands on a Kel-Tec Sub 2000. It took me a while since I was unwilling to pay more than MSRP. The iron sights on it seem okay, but I'm just wondering if anyone found a good way to mount optics on one that still allow it to be folded without removing them. I've seen one system designed just for it. I'll try to post a link here. ... ry_ID=2562

Anyone have that one? Figured anything else out? I wouldn't mind sticking a little red dot or something on it, but I'm not going to sacrifice the ability to fold it up, since that's one of the main reasons I bought it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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