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- Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:00 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
- Replies: 51
- Views: 16193
Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
I feel your pain, I don't know any other consumer product, where if they used the same tactics as car dealers, would continue to stay in business. I walked out after them adding $1500.00 for "dealer prep" which I was told included, "stain guarding" the upholstery, and putting pure nitrogen in the tires. I asked why, since compressed air is almost 80% nitrogen, was pure nitrogen better? The response was a mostly unintelligable, mumble. I asked if they bled all of the factory air out if the tires before putting in the pure nitrogen? And if so how did they ensure that there was no residual oxygen, or other gases still present? Again a sort of shrug. I then addresses the "stain protection" I was told that it was a solution that was sprayed on which caused liquids to bead up and not soak in. I then said, so you want me to pay you $1500.00 for "mostly" nitrogen in my tires which is already available in compressed air, and Scotchguard, which I can buy at WalMart for $5 a can? He said the sales manager requires that add on. My wife and I left after I told him his sales manager just lost a sale.