I used "meh, never mind" to edit a post I had made. I am as engaged as anyone, but know posting here can at times draw the responses of those who know they are far smarter than me.Skiprr wrote:Texas edged closer to becoming a blue state this year than any in recent past.EastTexasRancher wrote:meh, never mind.
"Meh" is pretty much an attitude no Texan should take right about now. Or ever.
The biggest population centers in Texas, some of the largest in the country, are now fully blue. If you haven't looked at a county-by-county map, you should. Almost all of the southern border counties are blue (think that's from the southern ranch land-owner vote?) and our electoral results November 8 were far closer than I would have liked.
If you don't care about Houston politics, fine. Don't post here.
If you're saying you don't give a squib about Texas politics in general, I have an issue with that.
Sorry to have upset you.