Sherrie said that they don't intend for you to use a stopwatch to time the modules and that you would be ok going a little over or under... but that she didn't think that you could effectively teach the material if you were significantly under the timeframes listed in the outline.While these times are prefaced with "Approximately," we need to be reasonable in interpreting this flexibility. I think it means that if you teach a module at 40 minutes instead of 45, or 65 minutes instead of 1 hr., then you're okay. I don't think it means you can teach a 30 minute or 90 minute module and comply with the times prescribed by DPS.
While I'm confident that I have accurately stated the substance of what she said, please note that I'm paraphrasing my understanding of her response to my question, so if you talk to her about this in the future (like at your renewal class) please don't hold her to the specific language I used here.
Not sure if that is helpful or not... but I thought I would share since I said I would ask about it.