Then I bought one for my 2" revolver.
I couldn't hardly hit the target COM, much less bull's eye a target. laser grip, trigger control, and now I can keep'em in the target circle every single time, shooting double action.
and having been that guy at the range wih the red dot bouncing all over the place, I can honestly say "So?" took me some practice to get better. sorry we aren't all born professional Jerry Miculeks. but after seeing that red dot dance, I became more cognizant of what was happening, and it helped all of my shooting, Double Action Revolver, DA/SA SemiAuto, and DAO StrikerFired.
yeah, it's fun to tease the cats, too. batteries last forever. when the beam gets a little smaller, and starts to fade some, guess what? you replace the batteries. you don't run around on half inflated tires, do you? I don't either!
if it's that distracting to shoot with it on, turn it off and fire a few sets. then turn it back on, keep your eyes on the target (not the sights), and try to keep the red dot in the center as you fire. the laser is straight, so no matter how you manipulate the gun, if it's centered on Point of Impact, it'll still hit PoI.
if you're clearing a house, doesn't the flashlight give away your position? oh, you mean you toggle it on and off? well, guess you could do that with the laser, too! shewt, lasermax's version is set on strobe, anyway, which would help in the ol' "Searching for the red dot" syndrome. Green lasers are supposed to be even easier to see!
my opinion, if you aim a gun at something, the red dot should be where you are pointing your hands, so IMO, it should be easy to find. unless they're wearing red...