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by RETiffner
Tue May 03, 2016 11:33 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

RETiffner wrote:
RETiffner wrote:It only took the oilfield slowing down to a crawl for me to be able to find enough time at home to finally take a class. Just submitted all supporting docs, so going to try and "forget" about it for a month or so...

21 Jan 2016... Class completed
12 Feb 2016... Confirmation email and fee paid
19 Feb 2016... Prints completed and All supporting docs uploaded

Now for the wait....

22 Apr 2016... Called both Reggie's voicemail, left a message and also called the main RSD number. RSD wouldnt give me any other info than "Still processing"
23 Apr 2016... Reggie returned my call and said that I was approved, expect plastic in hand 7-10 days
29 Apr 2016... Website changed today :woohoo jumped off couch and one leg hopped to the mail box (just had ankle rebuilt in surgery wednesday) no plastic yet

Plastic in the mail 2 May...was VERY fortunate that my daughter was home sick from school so I could rouse her awake to send her after the mail when I heard the postman running. (Shes the best lol)
by RETiffner
Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:45 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

mikezee1970 wrote:
RETiffner wrote:
RETiffner wrote:It only took the oilfield slowing down to a crawl for me to be able to find enough time at home to finally take a class. Just submitted all supporting docs, so going to try and "forget" about it for a month or so...

21 Jan 2016... Class completed
12 Feb 2016... Confirmation email and fee paid
19 Feb 2016... Prints completed and All supporting docs uploaded

Now for the wait....

22 Apr 2016... Called both Reggie's voicemail, left a message and also called the main RSD number. RSD wouldnt give me any other info than "Still processing"
23 Apr 2016... Reggie returned my call and said that I was approved, expect plastic in hand 7-10 days
29 Apr 2016... Website changed today :woohoo jumped off couch and one leg hopped to the mail box (just had ankle rebuilt in surgery wednesday) no plastic yet
Ret, I can picture you hobbling to the mailbox. I know you only had your ankle rebuilt, but I picture you having a full leg cast and that stiff leg kicking out to the side in a looping motion as you head to the mailbox.............
Boomstick1 wrote:
Boomstick1 wrote:
Boomstick1 wrote:Class 2/6/16
CHL 100 emailed 2/6/16
Application 2/6/16 online
Confirmation email 2/8/16
Fingerprints 2/15/16
started working on it 3/11/16 (said it was in background check status)
as of 4/25/16 still being processed :headscratch
currently at overall day 82
business days 59
still no status change online.

Waiting.......... :waiting:

4/29/2016 online status change :anamatedbanana :clapping: :anamatedbanana
Still no plastic. Maybe tomorrow. I've waited this long so what's a few more days right?
Boom, me too. Looks like many of us got a status change today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days.
lol Mike, your imagination isnt too far off. Originally was 3 breaks and two torn ligaments... 4/20 they put in 3 pins, an anchor and wired what was left of the ligaments back to bone. They put a full cast on it up to the knee yesterday actually. Have 4 more weeks of no weight bearing at all on that leg. My wally walk will be a wally scooter cruise
by RETiffner
Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:58 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

RETiffner wrote:It only took the oilfield slowing down to a crawl for me to be able to find enough time at home to finally take a class. Just submitted all supporting docs, so going to try and "forget" about it for a month or so...

21 Jan 2016... Class completed
12 Feb 2016... Confirmation email and fee paid
19 Feb 2016... Prints completed and All supporting docs uploaded

Now for the wait....

22 Apr 2016... Called both Reggie's voicemail, left a message and also called the main RSD number. RSD wouldnt give me any other info than "Still processing"
23 Apr 2016... Reggie returned my call and said that I was approved, expect plastic in hand 7-10 days
29 Apr 2016... Website changed today :woohoo jumped off couch and one leg hopped to the mail box (just had ankle rebuilt in surgery wednesday) no plastic yet
by RETiffner
Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:45 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

rdepaz wrote:
vjallen75 wrote:
rdepaz wrote: All in 3/3/16 by the way.
I was all in 3/3 as well, please let me know if/when you get yours!
BROOKELF wrote:Has anyone who has been told 7-10 days by Reggie received their plastic or is this guy just pushing us all to get us off the phone?
I'm starting to notice that trend as well, I'm tempted to call him myself and see if I get the same response.

Very annoying that we can't get an accurate status update without feeling like we are being told something just to get off the phone.
If you do call, please let us know what he says.
This morning it wasnt Reggie returning those calls to Reggie's VM, it was a female.
by RETiffner
Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:20 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

I just spoke to my younger brother this morning who is a LEO w College Station PD. He just got hired on w Austin PD and will not be eligible to carry as a LEO for 4 months so applied for his LTC. He submitted his supporting docs and was all in date 1/21. According to DPS form: License to carry a handgun online application checklist, "Active Texas Peace Officer Only: Are not required to provide fingerprints. Please provide a completed consent form that is available under the downloadable documents. The department will attempt to verify proof of employment, If further documentation is needed you will be notified." The closest thing to a consent form that he could find under the downloadable documents section was CHL-85 Authorization for release of records, which he submitted on 1/21. Apr 25 he contacted the number for DPS that I posted here a few days ago and was able to leave a voicemail in regards to his status. Today he received a phone call back. He was informed that he has been placed on a wait, bc CHL-85 is NOT the proper consent for. and they are waiting on him to submit that. When he inquired as to where to find the consent form under the downloadable documents, the response was "Oh, yeah that hasn't been uploaded to the website yet". What about the 'if further documentation is needed you will be notified?', "well in the event additional documents are needed DPS can take up to an add'l 180 days". And how can he have prevented this? "By contacting RSD w any questions by phone or email" to which he asked the phone that is always busy or the email that goes unanswered unless it is a stock form generic reply? "Silence".... :banghead: :banghead: :mad5 :mad5 :headscratch :headscratch
by RETiffner
Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:29 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

tdd0223 wrote:
tdd0223 wrote:Joining the crowd in this "Fun" wait... :shock:

Application: 02/17/2016
Fingerprints: 02/24/2016
All-In Confirmation: 02/24/2016
Status: No Change
In Hand: TBD

Ok, well just got off the phone with RSD. My application was sent to print on April 18th!!!!! :hurry:
However, I'm still not showing a status update online. She did advise that it would be anywhere from 14-21 business days once it's sent to print to arrive. (I'm kind of thinking the printers are getting overwhelmed too...)

My confirmation email was Feb 19, looks like its time for me to call and check on mine...(on hold now, only took 13 calls, must be a record)
by RETiffner
Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:01 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274547

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

mmaddox93 wrote:
mmaddox93 wrote:02/10/16- Did online application for dps
02/16/16- Finished LTC Class and submitted CHL-100
02/17/16- Did F.A.S.T Prints and has been submitted
02/18/16- Got confirmation everything was good to go
03/09/16- Called to see if everything was ok lady informed me that i background checking and that it would be antoher 2-4 weeks to complete

So im not that worried about it now.. Like i was before at least the ball is rolling pretty fast for me.
Update RSD said i was approved on 04/13/16 when i called website status change 04/16/16 should be getting my LTC in hand on the 17th or 18th

My confirmation email was 2/19... think I'll make a few call today."Thank you fo- beep....Due to high call" end call and repeat.

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