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by KBCraig
Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:27 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Change "Concealed Handgun" to "Concealed Weap
Replies: 28
Views: 24287

The solution is to eliminate the "club or illegal knife" section from the Code.

It's outrageous that a Bowie knife is defined by name as an "illegal knife" in Texas. Not to mention the fact that there is no standardized definition of what a Bowie knife is (the very authentic Searles Bowie doesn't look like a Bowie to most people). I suppose that anything anyone wishes to call a Bowie knife will exceed the 5.5" blade length limit.

And speaking of that, where do you measure blade length? Do you include the ricasso, or only the sharpened portion?

And do away with the prohibition on automatics, too. The switchblade ban wsa the original "assault weapon" ban, except it didn't sunset. In this day of thumb studs and mechanisms like the Kershaw "Speed Safe", automatics are no faster than manuals.


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