That's okay. I meant it sincerely, and I apologize if it sounded otherwise.PharmD2B wrote:sorry kb...took that the wrong way
There are just not many hidden traps out there for the CHL holder. A 51% establishment that doesn't properly post 51% signs is one of them. Unmarked/undelineated school "grounds where a school function is taking place" is another. Both are hypothetical situations that have to be pretty rare.
There are a few gray areas, like schools hosting an event in other than school property (swim meet at the Y, etc.), and what constitutes a portion of a building "used" by a court.
But banks are private property, and the only restrictions are the same as those at Wal Mart or Waffle House. That is, "none", unless they post 30.06-compliant signage.
I am aware that there has been some mis/disinformation about banks being off-limits because they're regulated by FDIC. Well, gun shops are regulated by BATFE, but they're not off-limits. Dairies and packing plants are regulated by USDA, but they're not off-limits. Your local landfill is regulated by EPA, but it's not off-limits. Every workplace is regulated by OSHA, but they're not off-limits unless the boss says so.
I'm trying to plant the seed of questioning whether your freedoms have really been restricted. I know we're so accustomed to our lives and "freedoms" (sarcasm quotes) being regulated at every turn, that when given a straight path to liberty, we hesitate, certain there has to be a trick to it. That's why it pays to bone up, and take full advantage of your freedom when you can.