So your issue is not that non-employees would be carrying in the school, it's non-employees being in the school in general and "breaking the educational environment"?apvonkanel wrote:I would like school employed LTCers to be able to carry, but have reservations about about non-employees carrying. Although many people seem to be missing the point, it has nothing to do with whether or not non-employees will be safe, but everything to do with the fact that most non-employees don't know how to handle themselves in a school without effectively breaking the educational environment.Abraham wrote:apvonkanel,
Tell me if I have this right: You would like to see LTCers/school employees able to carry inside school, but you have many, many reservations about it?
Do I understand you correctly?
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- Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:33 am
- Forum: 2017 Legislative Wish List
- Topic: Concealed carry by school employees
- Replies: 58
- Views: 35097