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by TX_Gunslinger
Mon May 09, 2016 9:36 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274546

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

I would seem that week ending 6 May was a good one for lots of folks. Perhaps the new hires they have are getting up to speed?
Here's hoping the rest who are kept waiting get that little bit o' plastic soon.

by TX_Gunslinger
Sat May 07, 2016 12:42 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274546

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

Can't seem to locate my original post to update, so I'll nutshell
All-in 3/26 (via website)
Confirmation same day
Website change on 5/4
Plastic in-hand corrected: not 5/but 5/6

Total 40 days approx; 28 workdays and 12 weekend days.

I must one of the lucky ones, I was quite surprised. Maybe my schmooze attempt played a part, dunno.

Good luck to all waiting, congrats to all have received. I'll be lurking to see. Above all be smart and be safe.

Tommy S
Justin, TX
by TX_Gunslinger
Thu May 05, 2016 7:38 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274546

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

Application: 3/26/16
Fingerprints: 3/25/16
CHL-100: 3/26/16
Received confirmation of receipt: 3/26/16
Status Changed: 5/5/16
Plastic Received: Imminent?

I called on 5/3/16. The hold time was reported at 27 minutes, so I opted for callback. Fifteen minutes later, I got the return call. I apologized for piling on and I know they're probably sick to death of calls asking for status. I appreciate the work they do, etc. I called with a more-bees-with-honey approach -- well, the woman on the phone could not have been nicer. She told me my app was complete (without going into specifics) and that I should expect card in 15 working days or so. This morning 5/5/16 my site status changed, now showing Change of Address, Lost or stolen, etc.) so I'm hoping to see a surprise in the next day or so, based on what I've been seeing here. Bit of a shmooze? You bet. Did it work? Unknown, but it sure can't hurt. Looking around, seems May 5 is a red letter day for a lot of people. Congrats and good luck, all.

"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
(Isaiah 6:8)

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