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by SMRoot
Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:00 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274538

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

SMRoot wrote:I've been checking the DPS website every day for the past week. I figured I was being overly optimistic, but today I saw options for changing my address, etc.

CHL Class 5/14/2016
Submitted Supporting Docs 5/17/2016
Fingerprints 5/19/2016
Status Change 6/08/2016 :woohoo
License in hand 6/10/2016
Updated to show plastic received....although the mail truck was late so I didn't get it in time for my run to Costco. ;-)
by SMRoot
Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:38 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274538

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

USAFTS wrote:
SMRoot wrote:I've been checking the DPS website every day for the past week. I figured I was being overly optimistic, but today I saw options for changing my address, etc.

CHL Class 5/14/2016
Submitted Supporting Docs 5/17/2016
Fingerprints 5/19/2016
Status Change 6/08/2016 :woohoo
License in hand TBD
I am glad you have seen a change so quickly. I am at 60 days today for a RENEWAL with no changes.

Completed and paid Renewal on line - 4/8/2016
*No Docs required - 45 days starts immediately.
*No status change on website
*Called and confirmed all needed materials. - 6/2/2016
(Was told that the 45 days is BUSINESS DAYS). The statute says "the 45th day".
* 60 days today - NO PLASTIC - NO STATUS CHANGE
* Frustrated.
Yeah. I bet you ARE frustrated. I don't really understand why the disparity in the times. I pray that these things will start coming faster for everyone.
by SMRoot
Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:00 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here
Replies: 991
Views: 274538

Re: 2016 Application Watch - post your 2016 timelines here

I've been checking the DPS website every day for the past week. I figured I was being overly optimistic, but today I saw options for changing my address, etc.

CHL Class 5/14/2016
Submitted Supporting Docs 5/17/2016
Fingerprints 5/19/2016
Status Change 6/08/2016 :woohoo
License in hand TBD

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