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by WarHawk-AVG
Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:12 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: mosin nagant...what a bang for your buck!
Replies: 33
Views: 5758

Re: mosin nagant...what a bang for your buck!

Well if we have a C&R FFL they were selling a crate of 20...91/30's for $1129

7.62x54R is fairly just have to really search around for it...old stuff is corrosive so make dang sure you scrub the bejesus out of the barrel to keep it from pitting

Oh there are also a few cool things you can do to make it a bit more accurate
Poor mans Mosin Nagant barrel bedding

I found that doing about 4 hours of real hard work cleans up these old beat milsurp rifles to darn good condition

Build you a load of ''Ed's Red'' Bore Cleaner
Strip the rifle, put the reciever in a bucket of the stuff..using a bore brush and patches scrub the everloving bejesus out of the barrel..spend maybe 45-60 min doing WILL strip all the goop out of the barrel/rifling

Get a 410 bore brush from wally world, if you have a flex head assembly for your drill then cool..if not get one! Use the .410 bore brush and some ''Ed's Red'' and drill polish the chamber...the biggest complaint about the Mosin is after firing a few rounds the bolt sticks and it takes a 2x4 to kick the bolt loose to extract the round...well years of cosmoline and funk build up in the chamber causing it to stick to the casing, also clean the snot out of the bolt rails

once you do that..the Mosin will become a darn good rifle for very cheap!

I really wanted to get a crate of those, strip them down and then parkerize them and fix the stocks like I did with my old Ishapore Enfield...I truly believe if you revitalize an old milsurp rifle it doubles it quality, not damages it..other than a historic value

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