The only sound an intruder gets to hear inside my house is the "click" of the safety after I properly identify if they are a friendly or not...period!TLE2 wrote:Just my two cents, but I have both a loaded .45 and a tactical shotgun. I don't load the shotgun because I can't secure in a "quick get" fashion, yet.
The sound of the slide being racked on the 45 is pretty intimidating too. (Istore in with a loaded magazine but not racked).
But... even though the spread on buck isn't large, it's larger than a 45 bullet. If they're coming in, I'd want to hit 'em with everything I had.
But... since I've never faced that situation, I may be wrong.
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- Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:57 am
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Replies: 129
- Views: 19522
Re: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:52 am
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Replies: 129
- Views: 19522
Re: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
Stupid wrote:Modern semi-auto is not unreliable.fickman wrote: One problem. . . most semi-auto shotguns are unreliable during an actual emergency to cycle properly. They are sensitive to the ammo (need lots of recoil) and angle. I'd never trust one for life-and-death situations.
When using a pump:
1. your pumping sound gives away your position and might cause your target to fire at the sound
2. pump action requires rigorous practice so that under stress you wouldn't under-pump and jam your gun - this happens A LOT
3. when working with your pump action, without adequate practice, it moves your gun away from the target.
4. some may even forget to pump in the adrenaline high.
5. recoil is much worse than semi
6. follow up shots and speed of shooting are seriously impaired because of having to work with the pump. Given the choice, no self-respecting shooter would ever use a pump when shooting for speed. Watch any Skeet Shooting video on youtube." onclick=";return false;
Still don't believe me? Watch the movie The Matrix Lobby Shooting scene below. Should any of these police officers have used a semi-auto, Neo would be a piece of dead meat. Watch how slow the guy shooting the pump action shotgun." onclick=";return false;
Still not convinced? Just think hard about why all the armies of the world transited from single shot to bolt action, to semi-auto to full auto on their rifles. Why do they choose full auto over semi over single shot? Three reasons: speed of shooting, ability to keep the gun on target and simplicity of operating the semi and full auto action.

Um...its a do realize not a single piece of lead went ANYWHERE in that entire scene! In fact the "granite" walls they managed to shred in that scene were actually sheets of painted Styrofoam over pneumatic rams, it took them like 30 something takes to get that scene "just right"
The "pump" shotgun the cop was using was actually a SPAS-12 which is both a semi and pump, the directors though it would be more "dramatic" if the cop was pumping it instead of using the semi-auto the blanks they were using wouldn't cycle the semi-auto action anyway

Oh...who needs a gun when you can do this

- Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:37 am
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Replies: 129
- Views: 19522
Re: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
Yah that backflipping melty faced ugly demon dude proved it!!!atxgun wrote:That's not what Army Of Darkness taught me.AndyC wrote:A magic boomstick it is not.

- Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:04 am
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Replies: 129
- Views: 19522
Re: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
Some say due to the rifling for the .45LC it makes the .410 effective to like 10 feet...NOT that useful in self defence...unless you shot 00Buck or slugs.Hos wrote:All good points. I am considering the Taurus Judge with the portability of a pistol with a shotgun bang. I wouldn't say it's the "best of both worlds" and some will consider it a novelty but it has its place. Unlike a shotgun, it's made to spread the buckshot over a shorter distance too. Might make a good BUG to the shotgun." onclick=";return false;
Maybe put shot shells as the first 3 rounds then close the deal with the .45 in the other 2 shots.
- Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:51 am
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
- Replies: 129
- Views: 19522
Re: Why a Home Defense Shotgun?
Because you CAN!GrayHawk wrote:I am just wondering why I would need a short barelled HD shotgun with ghost ring or halo sights, pistol grip stock, mounted laser and flashlight, heat shroud, sling, saddle with 6 extra rounds, with mag extension bringing my in gun round count to eight when I have an effective nightstand gun? Are there that many home invasions which involve multiple intruders or massive gun battles? Is this just a fad or something? If I needed a shotgun for protection in my home, would my mossberg I use for hunting work just as well? Don't bash, I am trying to figure out if I am equipped wrong for home protection or if I need a tricked out $600 dollar shotgun at the house too.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.