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by bblhd672
Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:29 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?
Replies: 115
Views: 36408

Re: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?

KLB wrote:I don't pretend to know what Trump has in mind, except he wants to be re-elected. But what he may calculate enhances his odds I do not know. I don't think Trump has many core beliefs, just a desire to win. To make an analogy the Captain Renault in "Casablanca," the political winds that give Trump a opening to political success are blowing in our direction for the moment. Let's hope the moment lasts.
Some days I'm not sure even Trump knows what he has in mind. :mrgreen:
IF he signs into law more gun control laws, especially the ones being pushed by the Democrats and their Republican allies, maybe he believes that will move more "D" voters to his side than the 2A voters he had in 2016, thus he no longer needs the "deplorables" on his side.

So far, its wait and see if ANY gun control legislation even reaches his desk. It will require Republican lawmakers in both House and Senate to pass stricter gun control laws than currently exists. We should be more concerned what they are going to do.
by bblhd672
Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:39 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?
Replies: 115
Views: 36408

Re: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?

Doug.38PR wrote:
This gun stuff should be ignored and people focus on fatherless homes, nasty entertainment that glorifies psycho behavior and removal of God from our society
Well, we both know the problem isn’t guns. The left isn’t willing to acknowledge that the points you make are valid, they use them as an excuse to belittle you as deplorable for clinging to guns and religion.

I don’t want to compromise an inch and haven’t been happy about the bump stock stuff since Las Vegas. But bump stocks are a novelty, a gimmick on a tool, good for wasting ammo and nothing else.

You’re in NE Louisiana, that’s where I’m from and have lots of family and friends still there. None of them are going to hand over their guns to the government. I trust you feel the same way. Bump stocks are not worth expending political capital on. The Democrats proposed semi-auto weapon and greater than 10 round magazine ban is worth every bit of political capital in the bank. That’s what we need to ensure ends up in a dumpster in DC.
by bblhd672
Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:08 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?
Replies: 115
Views: 36408

Re: Can it be?: We may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?

There's so much drama and breathless "what if" going on now. Charles is right, something has to give. I was encouraged by Mr. LaPierre's CPAC speech, he basically declared war on the failed policies and the plans of the left.
We need to take deep breath and look at history so far.
After every mass shooting there is hysterics and foaming at the mouth by the left. So far, very little has actually changed for the worse.
Obama didn't even try to enact stricter gun laws when he had a Democrat controlled House and Senate.
Clinton's "Assault Weapon Ban" led to nothing in the long run, not even reduced crime.

So to answer the OP's question "Can it be that we may lose more gun rights under Trump than Obama?" I'd say yes, that is a possibility. After all, Mr. Trump was a liberal NY Democrat supporting liberal causes for far longer than he has been a political figure. The key to preventing Mr. Trump from signing new, more restrictive gun legislation is to keep it from ever reaching his desk via the House and Senate.

Ban bump stocks? Yeah go ahead, but you'll never stop people from shooting a pistol or rifle as fast as they and the gun are capable of shooting. I've been a vocal proponent of no more compromise, but if we can get past this with the loss of bump stocks only it will be a miracle.

Want to make a difference? Reach out to your Congressmen, Senators and the President expressing your continued support of the Constitution and ask them to continue to do the same. Ask them to address the serious issues of mental health that is at the root of people deciding that being mass murderers is their only hope. Ask them to overturn progressive policies and programs that encourage the police to turn their heads from enforcing the law when students engage in increasingly criminal behavior.

The progressive socialist left will continue to use every tool available to them to achieve their end goal: elimination of the Second Amendment and an end to our Constitutional Republic. They love it when we fight each other.

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