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- by Mxrdad
- Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:22 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
dale blanker wrote:Mxrdad wrote:dale blanker wrote:The president says that Iran is "not living up to the spirit" of the nuclear deal but Tillerson has said that Iran "has been compliant" with the nuclear deal. Neither one is providing any specifics. What are we to believe?
Not you.
Actually the question was not
who? but
I belive the quotes are accurate and seem to be conflicting, don't you agree?
Speaking of what's true to believe, here's a thought: ... MqTOEospfo 
Yeah, I know what the question was. The answer is the same.

- by Mxrdad
- Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:31 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
dale blanker wrote:The president says that Iran is "not living up to the spirit" of the nuclear deal but Tillerson has said that Iran "has been compliant" with the nuclear deal. Neither one is providing any specifics. What are we to believe?
Not you.
- by Mxrdad
- Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:10 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
Good post there Skiprr. President Trump is not done with this whole health care disaster. We have a long way to go yet and while I wish those knuckleheads in Washington would get their act together, we all know that will never happen. I too will be hurt financially from these results.
Dale: Why wait??????? Why not try to at least improve the current plan?????? Thats pretty much what that bill was. Remember the little nick-name attached to it? It was Called Obama Care Lite. And letting it implode, as Skiprr mentioned above, too late. It's already imploded. And don't hold your breathe waiting for the Top Dem's to be embarrassed. They have no soul.
President Trump is just starting, I trust he will have other plans and will attempt to tackle it again. It's sad that the biggest threat to America is from the far left. They are doing more damage to this country than all of the Terrorist's combined.
- by Mxrdad
- Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:19 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
I think the Repubs thought there would be no way in you know what, that trump would win. They were probably gearing up to be on the defense again and got caught with their pants down. I bet not 1 of them truly believed Trump could win. That still is no excuse for not having some kind of plan together though. I think maybe they rushed through it thinking they would have enough support to squeak it by but surprise! I'm hoping they attempt it again in the near future. From what I understand, there is nothing to stop them to try again.
- by Mxrdad
- Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:41 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
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- Views: 2212870
mojo84 wrote:The AHCA will do nothing to help. It is a case of doing something just so they can say they did. It may even make things worse since it keeps quite a bit of the ACA laws and eliminates others. A partial repeal may be worse than a full repeal.
One thing Obama was right about, you can't cover everybody if everybody doesn't participate. There in lies the problem. Not everyone will participate voluntarily and it's not government's job to make them.
Also, as I've said before many times, nothing they propose will reduce the cost of care. Cost of care is what drives the insurance premiums.
Government needs to get out of the way in the healthcare industry as well as the insurance industry. Tinkering with how to pay outrageous costs will not help.
Sadly, I agree.
- by Mxrdad
- Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:40 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
apvonkanel wrote:Mxrdad wrote:Bitter Clinger wrote:philip964 wrote:
What Obamacare did do, that I am personally aware of, was that it allowed two friends who were uninsurable to get health insurance for the first time in awhile. One had a seizure during college while she was under her parents insurance. The other developed diabetes while on Cobra after changing careers.
A simple repeal of Obamacare would have left both these friends out in the cold again. There were most likely millions of people like them. Everyone of them would have been a tragic story in the news, if it was simply repealed.
While those are compelling tragic stories, they do not give the government the right to tax everyone, against their free will, to provide for those people. Stop taxing those of us and to paraphrase your words, "millions of people like us", many of us who continue to go to work each and every day regardless of health constraints, and instead make it easier for those folks you know to obtain and pay for their own care. And BTW, if taxes were lowered, voluntary contributions to legal charities, many of which can help people like those in the examples you gave, would rise as well. But to support or encourage Obamacare, which FORCES me to pay for things that I do not believe in or support, and things that actually destroy my ability to earn an income, like the medical devices tax, is an exceedingly one sided viewpoint.
I'm with Bitter on this. When folks like myself are paying $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
per month for health care, while illegal immigrants and others who are able to work but choose not to, get free health care, you can't blame folks for getting upset about it.
If looking at things from a purely political standpoint (as opposed to my biblical worldview) I can understand the frustration about increased premiums as a result of the ACA. That being said, I've yet to see anything about the AHCA being able to reduce premiums from any news source. I've actually seen quite the opposite. Does anyone have any reliable source they can share that would offer a ray of hope regarding the current AHCA lowering the cost of health care for those of us that have to pay for it themselves?
I don't think so, as it doesnt exist as far as I can tell. It would be nice if someone could find it, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they could. The only glimmer of hope is when the Repubs say this is phase 1 of phase 3. I still dont know what that means but I think they are referring to a full repeal, but I could be mistaken. The ultimate outcome would be to have the Gov't stay the "heck" out of it but I dont know if that will ever happen. In the meantime, folks like us are just expected to keep sending the checks every month. GGGRRR.
- by Mxrdad
- Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:56 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
Bitter Clinger wrote:philip964 wrote:
What Obamacare did do, that I am personally aware of, was that it allowed two friends who were uninsurable to get health insurance for the first time in awhile. One had a seizure during college while she was under her parents insurance. The other developed diabetes while on Cobra after changing careers.
A simple repeal of Obamacare would have left both these friends out in the cold again. There were most likely millions of people like them. Everyone of them would have been a tragic story in the news, if it was simply repealed.
While those are compelling tragic stories, they do not give the government the right to tax everyone, against their free will, to provide for those people. Stop taxing those of us and to paraphrase your words, "millions of people like us", many of us who continue to go to work each and every day regardless of health constraints, and instead make it easier for those folks you know to obtain and pay for their own care. And BTW, if taxes were lowered, voluntary contributions to legal charities, many of which can help people like those in the examples you gave, would rise as well. But to support or encourage Obamacare, which FORCES me to pay for things that I do not believe in or support, and things that actually destroy my ability to earn an income, like the medical devices tax, is an exceedingly one sided viewpoint.
I'm with Bitter on this. When folks like myself are paying $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
per month for health care, while illegal immigrants and others who are able to work but choose not to, get free health care, you can't blame folks for getting upset about it.
- by Mxrdad
- Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:43 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
Bitter Clinger wrote:ninjabread wrote:Republicans delay healthcare vote as rebels defy Trump
Conservatives are pressing to eliminate more of the government requirements embedded in Obamacare, but any concessions to them risk alienating moderate Republicans worried about people losing health insurance.
Barack Obama also weighed in on the proposed legislation, one of the few moments that the former president has commented on current political events since leaving office.
They should just simply REPEAL Obamacare and let the free market take over! We do not need a another government designed and poorly implemented entitlement!
Forever and ever AMEN!

You win the internet for this entire week!
- by Mxrdad
- Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:08 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
dale blanker wrote:Mxrdad wrote:In todays hearing, did anybody else think Comey came off more like a politician instead of acting like the top official from our top law agency?
Yes, he noted that connections between the Trump campaign and Russians have been under investigation since last July. This could have been communicated privately to the committee but should not have been made public until the investigation was complete, IMHO.
Well, I don't think it comes as a big surprise to anyone that they have been looking into Russia ties with both Presidential Candidates. I think that's just SOP these days and will likely be the same in 2020. What is surprising is the laid back attitude investigating leaks. He admitted its a felony to leak classified information yet when Gowdy asked him if he will investigate the leaks, he said, "Can't". Meaning, can't assure the committee that the leaks will be investigated. It's a diversion game and sooner or later, he won't be able to dodge the real issues.
- by Mxrdad
- Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:06 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
- Replies: 4857
- Views: 2212870
Healthcare: My quote went to $ 2,500.00 PER MONTH in Jan 2017. With a $ 7,500.00 deductible. With a not-so-great plan. Come on, how many working folks can afford that? So I get to pay a lot more, for less coverage, just so others that aren't working can take them and their kids to get free healthcare. AND, get better care than me. And I'm not alone, there are many examples of this nonsense. My friend works for a big electrical company. His costs were $ 326.00 PER WEEK with the company covering the rest. It is out of control and us poor working folks need some relief.
In todays hearing, did anybody else think Comey came off more like a politician instead of acting like the top official from our top law agency? He didnt seem to interested in leaked information in my opinion. And leaked information to me is a bigger problem than Trump's ties with Russia. But then again, I'm a little pee-on so what do I know?