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by MaduroBU
Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Nobody but Trans Secy Pete Buttigieg
Replies: 96
Views: 36862

Re: Nobody but Trans Secy Pete Buttigieg

I wouldn't care at all how he gets to work, whether by monster truck, helicopter, bike, on foot, crawling, jet pack, pogo stick, et c., EXCEPT that he wants to legislate how plebs like us get to use energy (yes....he wants to direct the legislature controlled by his boss's party on what to enact). He recognizes that the rules are unworkable, flaunts them as a result, and then has the gall to tell us that they're suitable for our situations with the force of law.

I respect people who follow the maxim "Be the change you wish to see in the world", even when I disagree with them. I do not respect people who demand that the plebs carry the burdens which they deem to be beneath their station.

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