How do consistent speeders rationalize the increased risk they pose for other drivers and their passengers, that is someone elses family, friends, co-workers when they speed or do they wave a dismissive hand at such considerations, cuz hey, they're EXCELLENT drivers...
I also see no speeder address what I think may be a big part of the equation: Breaking the law is fun for them, albeit low wattage.
Besides, they view speed limits applying only to law abiding chumps - not their elite selves.
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- Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:27 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9619
- Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:08 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano, TX!
- Replies: 65
- Views: 9619
Re: First time pulled over (Speeding) while carrying, Plano,
Am I in the minority of those who simply use cruise control, set it at the limit and not speed?
Many moons ago, I read of how fast speeding will get you to your destination and it was, if I remember correctly, something along the lines of just a few minutes sooner than you'd get there driving the speed limit. This was based on distance to destination and factoring speeding well over the limit vs. the same distance and going the speed limit. That's probably not the best explanation, but presumably you get my gist...
It seemed to me that avoiding all the stress associated with speeding was clear enough for me - just don't speed.
I'm no goody-two shoes, but in a cost/benefit analysis - You ain't getting wherever you're heading fast enough to make it worthwhile.
Plus, with driving the limit you save gas and if you get into a collision you'll likely have a greater chance of survival.
Or, is there a kind of furtive glee associated with getting away with minor law breaking (ah, assuming you DO get away with speeding) that motivates speeders more than actually getting there a tad sooner, where ever there is?
Many moons ago, I read of how fast speeding will get you to your destination and it was, if I remember correctly, something along the lines of just a few minutes sooner than you'd get there driving the speed limit. This was based on distance to destination and factoring speeding well over the limit vs. the same distance and going the speed limit. That's probably not the best explanation, but presumably you get my gist...
It seemed to me that avoiding all the stress associated with speeding was clear enough for me - just don't speed.
I'm no goody-two shoes, but in a cost/benefit analysis - You ain't getting wherever you're heading fast enough to make it worthwhile.
Plus, with driving the limit you save gas and if you get into a collision you'll likely have a greater chance of survival.
Or, is there a kind of furtive glee associated with getting away with minor law breaking (ah, assuming you DO get away with speeding) that motivates speeders more than actually getting there a tad sooner, where ever there is?