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by Keith B
Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:50 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?
Replies: 17
Views: 3126

Re: S&W Sigma, M&P, or Ruger SR9?

nitrogen wrote:The M&P is the best striker/plastic gun i've ever shot.

I'd heartily recommend it to anyone.

The S&W Sigma ruined S&W's rep for semiautios for a reason; they have awful triggers.
I have a Sigma in .40. The trigger gets better over time, but they are pretty heavy and gritty until worn down. As most DAO guns, the pull is long.

If you are the least bit handy there are instructions on the Internet on how to do a buff and polish on the connector and sear assembly that does smooth things out faster.

I have had no FTF's with it, so think it is pretty reliable. Overall, they are not bad for the price. However, if you can go with the M&P it will probably be better out of the box and better in the long run.

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