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by Keith B
Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:20 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 51% sign in a non 51% business
Replies: 28
Views: 4797

Re: 51% sign in a non 51% business

Abraham wrote:Thanks again Keith.

As that sign DOESN'T pertain to us CHLers, I wonder why anyone would consider it in the same breath with signs that do pertain to us?

For my take, referring to it simply causes confusion i.e., me for one...

This sign, as far as I know, has no reason to be removed from any business if they so choose to use it as it refers to the UN-licensed - not us law abiding CHLers. It's not part of our equation, so to speak...

Or, am I missing something?
The sign=blue or sign=red is on the TABC license to tell the licensee which sign they are supposed to post per the law. The only sign that pertains to CHL's is the red one. Blue signs are not for us as it says 'Unlicensed' and we are 'licensed'.

Hope that clears it up.
by Keith B
Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:45 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 51% sign in a non 51% business
Replies: 28
Views: 4797

Re: 51% sign in a non 51% business

Abraham wrote:Thanks Keith!

What is the blue sign in regard to? I don't recall it from my last CHL class. (my memory must be slipping) All I recall is either a 30.06 or a red they pertain to us CHLers.

Of course, I see the "Illegal to carry unlicensed weapons..." sign here and there, which I have no reason to consider. We're not speaking of that sign are we?

Thanks for your patience with my questions!
The blue sign is the one you see at convenience stores, etc. that states 'The unlicensed possession of a weapon....' The red sign will have a big red 51% in the middle of it.
by Keith B
Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 51% sign in a non 51% business
Replies: 28
Views: 4797

Re: 51% sign in a non 51% business

On the license it will read Sign = Blue or Sign = Red. Blue is not 51%, Red is 51%
by Keith B
Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:02 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 51% sign in a non 51% business
Replies: 28
Views: 4797

Re: 51% sign in a non 51% business

One Shot wrote:
Check with the TABC. If its blue, they will require that the misleading and incorrect signage be removed. I was successful in getting a liquor store to pull its 51% signs with just one phone call to the TABC
I've looked at the TABC database, but can't determine from the type licence listed if it is blue or red. Is ther any way to determine this from the pub;ic TABC database, and if not, get this data added, since TABC obviously has it?
The online database won't really tell you. The only one that is for sure not 51% is of they have a FB (food and beverage)licence, then there is no way they can be 51%.

The only sure fire method is to request a records check from the TABC or go look at the license.

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