A bar does not have to be posted with a sign to be unable to carry there. They just have to be licensed as a 51% establishment. They are supposed to post a sign per the law, but the absence of one does not allow us to legally carry there.DaveHD wrote:flb_78,
Thanks for the info. Will certainly keep that in mind. Since I have found some sccotertrash, do you have any info on motorcycle concealment vests? I've heard of them, but can't find any details. I heard that they run about $80 and can easily conceal large frame autos. Please let me know if you know where I can find them.
Also, had a question on the bar thing. Our istructor said that the bar had to be marked with the 51% sign in order for you to not be allowed to carry there. Is that true? Also, he said the the generic no firearms sign (the one with the circle and line through a picture of a gun) held no legal teeth. I know businesses have to post the 30.06 sign, but can I still get in deep for carrying in an establishment that does not post the actual 30.06 sign?
Thanks again for all the info. Take care.
A business has to have a legal 30.06 or give you verbal notice to prohibit you from carrying there, unless they are already a place prohibited by law. Your instructor should have covered this in depth in class.