I have one but they don't always work. I had a contracted sales person from Verizon show up at the door and BANG on it, not just knock or use the doorbell. I opened the door and said 'Don't you see the sign?' and he says 'Oh, i haven't been to your door yet.'sjfcontrol wrote:If you're referring to "No Soliciting" signs, they DO work. I understand that a salesman ignoring that sign is trespassing. I've seen them come up to the door, see the sign, and turn around and leave.rthillusa wrote:and signs do not work, even if printed in Spanish and English.
BUT, I wouldn't expect the sign to turn away criminals -- Perhaps we need a "No Criminals" sign, too.

Bottom line, while it does help, even if the sign is there, they may or may not read it or abide to it. I still get door hangers from lawn companies and other sales groups. I usually call and threaten to sue them if they leave anything else. That gets their attention.