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by Keith B
Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:00 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Passing a school bus
Replies: 59
Views: 12682

Re: Positive, professional contact

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“Texas state law requires drivers to stop for school buses that are stopped and have activated their alternating red flashing lights. Drivers should not proceed until the school bus resumes motion; the driver is signaled by the bus driver to proceed, or the visual signal is no longer activated,” said Col. Stan Clark, interim director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

If a road is divided only by a left-turning lane, drivers on both sides of the roadway must stop for school buses with alternating red flashing lights activated. However, if the lanes are separated by an intervening space or physical barrier, only motorists going in the same direction as the bus are required to stop. In neighborhoods, near schools, and at bus stops, drivers need to take special care because in most cases children cannot judge vehicle speed or distance.

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