I believe the parking lot bill would have passed last year had it made it to the floor. Chubbing by the Democrats last year caused a lot of bills to never be read or voted on.Right2Carry wrote:I don't understand how Oklahoma was able to get the parking lot bill passed and yet Texas has failed repeatedly to get this done. Now Oklahoma is going to have OC and Texas will still be trying to get Campus Carry and the Employee parking lot bills passed.
I am a native Texan but if this keeps up I just might have to consider moving to Oklahoma so I can exercise my God given 2nd ammendment rights to the fullest extent possible.
Texas should be leading the way, instead of trying to follow in the footsteps of Oklahoma.
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- Fri May 14, 2010 12:55 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
- Wed May 12, 2010 9:41 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
- Replies: 127
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
Bills are still going through the house and senate, so still off-limits. Even their Tennessee page outlining the gun laws says they are 'researching' off-limits locations. I am not sure how up-to-date their data even is across the board; apparently not very.KC5AV wrote:They may have jumped the gun on the map, but a bill was recently sent to the TN governor that would allow restaurant carry with a prohibition against any consumption while carrying. I haven't heard whether the bill has been, or is likely to be signed.
- Wed May 12, 2010 9:15 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
I didn't go too far into the research, but can tell you the map is incorrect. It shows Tennessee as green and they do NOT have restaurant carry. Who knows how many other states have errors on them.chabouk wrote:Cite, please?Charles L. Cotton wrote:In fact, the vast majority of states prohibit carrying in any establishment that serves alcohol and some prohibit carrying in any locations that sell alcohol even if it is not for on-premises consumption. Texas prohibits only carry in bars (51% locations).
I'm using a reference map, and it's from opencarry.org (and I realize you have a personal beef with the owners, or at least it seems like you do), but when it comes to "restaurant carry" (places that serve alcohol, but aren't 51%-style "bars"), the map is pretty interesting:
One state (Arizona) requires concealed carry, but carry is legal
Two states (Montana and Virginia) require open carry, but carry is legal.
Eight states (New Mexico, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Louisiana (debatable, because of conflicting laws)) ban carry anywhere alcohol is served for on-premises consumption.
Now, not every state is a "carry state", but eight is a long way from being a "vast majority" no matter what their licensing restrictions are.
You might be able to dig out more info from handgunlaw.us, but their site is impossible to search because they use .pdf documents for every page.
- Tue May 11, 2010 9:35 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
OK, here are my last comments and then I will stop responding:SA-TX wrote:I diagree on signage. Not necessary with OC. Business owners can see you are carrying so there is no need for a sign. If they don't like it, they ask you to leave. Signage is for when they CANNOT see if their wishes are being honored. As far as compromises go, you take what you can get and then come back and remove it when blood doesn't run in the streets. Same as CHL. Even if every big city in Texas made OC illegal by ordinance, there's a bunch of this state that would be left. The reality is that even all the big cities wouldn't go to the trouble.Keith B wrote: In order to get an OC law passed, just like any other bill, there would more than likely be compromises that would have to be made. In this case, there would more than likely be a method for preventing carry in private business by signage. Since that already exists today 30.06, that would probably be the method they would want used.
I could also see the potential of the state allowing cities to preempt open carry, so you would have the plethora of scattered municipalities where it would be off limits and without a program, you would never know where you could and couldn't carry openly. (See my note below on my home state.)
True, my post focused on licensed OC but I support unlicensed OC. I disagree that there would be a major surge of unlicensed folks "'trying it out". Gun carriers are a special breed. We all know it is a heavy responsibility. It isn't something that you take on lightly. Sure, you might have the occasional person but statistically speaking anyone who OCs is likely a CHL-holder now. Heck, when people CC for the first few times they are terribly paranoid about people knowing. Strapping on a sidearm and heading out to Wal-Mart just isn't something a non-gun carrier is very likely to do. Again, we have the unlicensed OC states to look to. Where are the problems in AZ? Where are the problems in VA? WA? They just aren't there. Most businesses get along just fine and never see an OCer. Even those that do encounter one once in a while usually don't care. It is a very, very small percentage who are fearful and want to banish them.Keith B wrote:Your difference here is it would be something new (vs many other states where it has always been legal) and highly publicized by the media. And, as with everything, if it was unlicensed open carry, there would be a major surge of unlicensed folks 'trying it out'. This would lead to the media following people around, just like the have done in California and Virginia (aka Starbucks, etc.) And all this media coverage would lead to the postings. And who in Texas doesn't want to wear a really nice six-shooter on their hip when they go out with their hat and boots??
I grew up in an open carry state (Missouri.) I too rarely saw people carrying there in town, but it was not uncommon to see it in the country when folks were hunting. The other thing is Missouri allows cities to preempt open carry, so without looking at the ordinances, you can't tell if it is legal or not.
Again, I disagree that people who don't have a CHL (or other recognized license/permit) would all of a sudden strap on hog leg and head to the favorite retailer. How about this: we both work HARD for OC in Texas and place a small wager on what will happen. At our celebration of the 1 year anniversary of its passage, the beer is on me if I'm wrong, same for you.Keith B wrote:Here you are talking about those that are licensed. Like I stated above, there will be many folks who are not licensed that would immediately start open carrying because the could (assuming your full 2A rights restored.)
Now, is all of what I stated the actual future if open carry was established in Texas? We wouldn't know until it happens. However, I can guarantee you it is probably a pretty solid theory on how it would go down.
I predict it will be like everywhere else (and OK is about to demonstrate for us): there will be news stories at first but very little actual OCing. From what little OCing there is you'll have the occasional man-with-a-gun call from someone who doesn't know the law has changed. That's it. Very, very few additional 30.06 signs. Most CHLers will continue to CC. It will be a big non-event. 10 years hence if you stop a random person on the street and ask them if they've seen an OCer they'll say "No! Isn't that illegal?"
We disagree on signage, and we will never agree. I have heard your argument before about the business having to tell everyone, but don't think that will be the case. Business owners will want a non-verbal method, and 30.06 is it IMO.
OK will be 'licensed open carry', so you have those that can already conceal being able to open carry, and as you have already stated, they will want to continue to conceal. Big difference in what you are proposing for unlicensed open carry.
I have seen too many 'commando' types around to think you won't have mall ninjas and the like trying to open carry. My opinion and yours disagree.
So, we totally disagree. you have your points, and I have mine, so we have to leave it there.
As for wagering, i don't like taking advantage of people, so I won't wager.
So, bottom line, you can believe your theory and I will believe mine (and Charles'), and you continue to strive in a business like manner to get OC carry legislation introduced and passed. If you succeed in getting it done without compromising CC, I will and concede I was wrong.
- Tue May 11, 2010 8:19 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
In order to get an OC law passed, just like any other bill, there would more than likely be compromises that would have to be made. In this case, there would more than likely be a method for preventing carry in private business by signage. Since that already exists today 30.06, that would probably be the method they would want used.SA-TX wrote:Like Conagher, I recognize that OC could lead to more 30.06 signs. I've thought about this quite a bit and I take the argument very seriously. As a CHL-holder that's the last thing that I want. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind is a powerful thing and even some legit 30.06 signs that went up have come down because business owners heard from CHLs who said "I'll go elsewhere with my money". We certainly need to keep that momentum going.
For me the key question is: what is the likelihood that OC would bring about a significant increase in 30.06 postings?
I could also see the potential of the state allowing cities to preempt open carry, so you would have the plethora of scattered municipalities where it would be off limits and without a program, you would never know where you could and couldn't carry openly. (See my note below on my home state.)
Your difference here is it would be something new (vs many other states where it has always been legal) and highly publicized by the media. And, as with everything, if it was unlicensed open carry, there would be a major surge of unlicensed folks 'trying it out'. This would lead to the media following people around, just like the have done in California and Virginia (aka Starbucks, etc.) And all this media coverage would lead to the postings. And who in Texas doesn't want to wear a really nice six-shooter on their hip when they go out with their hat and boots??SA-TX wrote:I travel quite a bit for business so I've had a chance to visit most states in the country. Some that I visit the most frequently are WA, NC, and NV. All 3 are OC states. In the last 3 years I have probably racked up 25 one-week trips to those states alone, so I have a pretty good sample size. With the exception of a gun shop employee on lunch break going next door to a convenience store to get a soda, I've never seen an open carrier.
So, would that be different in Texas? When CC opponents said "there will be problems!", we said "the evidance from other states says otherwise". I believe that CHLers proved themselves to be like other lawfully armed folks: very law abiding. When that fact set in and the media wasn't running gun stories due to the novelity of the new law, the controversy evaporated. I predict the same thing with OC. It will be a big non-event once the news cycle has moved on to something else. OK should serve as a valuable example. If they have big problems, I'll be the first one to offer a mea culpa. Since they went with licensed OC, I simply won't believe that those good certified folks will all of a sudden become irresponsible until I see the evidance.
I grew up in an open carry state (Missouri.) I too rarely saw people carrying there in town, but it was not uncommon to see it in the country when folks were hunting. The other thing is Missouri allows cities to preempt open carry, so without looking at the ordinances, you can't tell if it is legal or not.
Here you are talking about those that are licensed. Like I stated above, there will be many folks who are not licensed that would immediately start open carrying because the could (assuming your full 2A rights restored.)SA-TX wrote:Notice the number of folks in this pro-gun, pro-carry audience who say "I'll never OC!" You are talking about a small percentage of gun carriers, who are a small percentage of handgun owners, who are a subset of gun owners, who are a subset of the population as a whole. The amount of OCing that would occur would be very, very minimal and thus there just won't be many business owners being scared into posting 30.06 signs. Statistically speaking, it will be absolutely insignificant.
Why then undertake the effort of changing the law? Because I believe in restoring as much God-given freedom as possible in a day and age where government is growing and liberty is shrinking. Not just for gun carriers; I'm for business owner freedom too and have no problem with them asking an OCer to leave. For that matter, if a business owner who truly doesn't approve of guns and doesn't want them on his property but is ignorant of the 30.06 law finds out about it, whether by someone OCing or some other means, and posts, I'm not concerned by this.
Now, is all of what I stated the actual future if open carry was established in Texas? We wouldn't know until it happens. However, I can guarantee you it is probably a pretty solid theory on how it would go down.
- Sun May 09, 2010 3:33 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
Your beef appers not to be with CC supporters, but with the TSRA, so why don't you just call it what it is. Don't equate CC supporters and TSRA as one entity.tacticool wrote:Just like concealed carry supporters are willing to exclude open carry from their agenda.
As I said on the previous page, TSRA can carry the flag for open carry, or not. It's their (our) choice. But if TSRA won't support open carry, we have no grounds to complain when open carry supporters don't support concealed carry.
I'm sure the Brady Bunch is happy with us fighting each other instead of pushing back against all anti-gun laws together.
IMO, the TSRA has taken on firearms legislation that they feel has a real chance of being implemented. It is not all CC issues. MPA was supported by the TSRA, and that is not a CC issue. They were big supporters of the Castle Doctrine being passed, again a law that is for all firearms owners in their right to defend themselves, not just CC. They have to be realistic in their support of what will and won't be for the overall good of the members and Texas gun owners. So, don't think that TSRA is just supporting CC, from my view they are just supporting legislation that has a real chance of being passed.
Having been in several political fights and battles in the past, I recognize there are the correct times and places to introduce legislation. If the time and place is right for OC legislation, then I think TSRA and NRA will be on board 100%. If not, then the folks are smart enough to not let it or other legislation hurt or kill something that has a real chance of getting us additional capabilities and moving closer to regaining our 2nd Amendment rights that have been chipped away at over the years.
- Sun May 09, 2010 3:15 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
I disagree. The very vocal and radical OC supporters last year were willing to push the legislation at all costs, which included potential negative implications on how/where we can CC.tacticool wrote:"No more than"
The best bet now for OC supporters is to rally together and 'respectfully' try to work with a legislator to craft a bill that would be acceptable to all gun owners in Texas. They have to make sure that the win for them does not constitute a major set-back in any concealed carry laws and legislation (and vice-versa.) The problem for OC supporters now will be to try and find someone who is not gun shy (pun intended) to take up their cause and run with it. I think there are those out there like SA-TX and others who have similar goals and are willing to try to get it done the right way, but they are going to have a real tough time fending off the radicals of last year and repairing the damage cause by them.
- Sun May 09, 2010 3:04 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
Name something that CC supporters have done to kill OC support? Nothing that was in last years legislation for CC was anti-OC. What killed support for OC legislation in Texas was a few idiot OC supporters that felt they could play hardball and managed to do more damage to any future chance of OC in Texas than could be imagined.tacticool wrote:No more than CC supporters have been willing to throw open-carry under the bus to further their goal of CC.Charles L. Cotton wrote: I find it interesting that OC supporters are willing to throw concealed-carry under the bus to further their goal of OC.
Better we should all work together but if "A" is willing to abrogate the rights of "B"
then "A" doesn't have a leg to stand on when "B" returns the favor.
- Sun May 09, 2010 9:45 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
Legislation that would prohibit municipalities from placing unreasonable restrictions on gun ranges which force them out of business. This happens when a range that was previously outside the city limits has the land incorporated into the cities that have extended their boundaries. Would also provide protection for those existing ranges that have had new subdivisions built up around them and the homeowners start fussing about the noise and alleged safety issues.MedicMan218 wrote:Range protection?Charles L. Cotton wrote:The only things certain to be on the 2011 Texas Legislative Session are:Chas.
- Employer parking lots;
Campus security/campus-carry;
Range protection.
- Sun May 09, 2010 8:19 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 session
- Replies: 127
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Re: OK passes open carry & TSRA planning for Texas '11 sessi
While this it true, it doesn't bring out the fact that in many of these states a city or county government can ban open carry per state statutes. That makes it really tough to know where you can and can't open carry. As has been stated on here before, if for some reason Texas did pass open carry I can almost bet there would have to be 'reasonable restrictions' included to get it to pass. Those resonable restrictions would more than likely be to allow local governments to ban OC, as well as banning it by sign, and that already existing sign is a 30.06. That would mean the word would get out to store owners and such that this is the way to prevent it from happening and there would be a giant surge in new locations posting valid 30.06 signs. The downside of that is it would also then ban concealed carry.chabouk wrote: That leaves 28 other states where OC in unquestionably legal, although there might be some hassle associated with the practice.
However, after the tactics that some of the open carry proponents used lat time to try to strong arm legislators into introducing a bill, I doubt very seriously that any will be willing to touch it with a 10 ft pole this next session. And without a sponsor, it will never get introduced.