I would personally say that 90-95% of you paranoid gun owning hypocrites should turn in your weapons!!! I say this because of one simple thought. I am not afforded the same rights as you, and many of you support that!
Hypocrisy runs deep within the chl ltc community. If you are "diagnosed" with a mental illness, your not allowed to carry legally. I can see, as with federal requirements, if someone has been involuntarily deemed to have a mental problem they shouldn't be allowed to own a weapon. However, those of us which VOLUNTARILY went to a doctor HAVE A RIGHT just like you do. To tell us we are not capable of handling a weapon is hypocritical to say the least. If you CHL LTC Permit holders REALLY CARED ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION, as you claim, then you would stand up for everyone.
Some of us have NEVER been afforded due process, and never ran afoul of the law, therefore should not be subjects of scrutiny. Concealed carry, which is not available to every law abiding citizen, should not be afforded to ANY CITIZEN! UNTIL ALL LAW ABIDING CITIZENS CAN ENJOY THE SAME RIGHT TO PROTECTION, no one should!!!