Interesting question. Are they liable for my being injured or injuring somebody else in a fist fight? I was there legally and engaged another party that was there legally, but the store allowed me in. Is the state of Texas liable if I am on the street and hit someone else while engaging (firing on) a BG? I was there legally, carrying legally and hopefully justified, but failed to maintain a clean target picture and control of the fire arm.Oldgringo wrote:Conversely,if one of the Kroger bank robbery savers (previous post) were to open fire and hit another customer, should the store owner be liable for allowing guns to be carried in his/her store?Dragonfighter wrote:
If you do not want concealed carry in your store, you should be liable for the patron should something happen and they could not defend themselves
I'm all for CHL and maybe some sort of OC, I'm just sayin'....
No, the shooter(s) are responsible for where the fired round ends up. However, if I am legally allowed to carry a CHL, and I am otherwise legally allowed to be in the store, but as a good law abiding citizen am disarmed due to a 30.06 posting...they have opted to make anyone who wants (needs) to do business with them vulnerable. They have made it suddenly "wrong" for me to be able to defend myself and I would think, have taken on some of the liability for my safety.
They are held liable when they fail to make their store safe by cleaning the aisles (slip and fall), why shouldn't they be held liable for making the store less safe by prohibiting my lawful ability to defend myself and others?