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by Dragonfighter
Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Response From DPS Regarding Policies When Encountering CHLer
Replies: 171
Views: 29646

Re: Response From DPS Regarding Policies When Encountering C

E.Marquez wrote:<SNIP>

Back on topic…

Are we (the general group, not a single user) in agreement..
Certain Weapons. Article 18.19, CCP, and Chapter 46, PC. 05.10 Weapons
1.Firearms and Other Weapons (knives, blackjack, club, etc.). When a firearm comes into the possession of a DPS officer, for any reason, the officer will check with NCIC for a possible stolen report.
Provides the authority to do the NCIC check? if you contend that point.. can you restate why?

Boldface mine

Am I misreading this? The way it reads seems to me that the possession "for any reason" and subsequent NCIC check applies to the Texas Department of Public Safety and does NOT apply to local or county officers.

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