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by Dragonfighter
Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1717
Views: 1560086

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

philip964 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:19 pm ... 235222192/

4th discovery of classified documents at Brandon’s house.

So if Biden is convicted of theft of govt secrets and barred from running for office again, just so Trump can be convicted and barred from office for the same thing; I will then believe that the Republicans and Democrats are the same thing - the deep state and they are pulling all the strings.
I find the timing curious. I said from day 1 that he was done after two years but I figured they'd just declare him "unfit". IIRC, for Kamala to be eligible for two terms she'd have to takeover at least a day after the second anniversary of the inauguration.

They knew about this a week before midterms (if not before) and sat on it. Two birds with one stone; mitigating damage to dems' seats and wait to release so that if (when?) Biden takes the fall, it's after two years. Excuse me while I go and fashion my foil hat.

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