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by tehlump
Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:32 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8807

thanks for the huge amount of information!

I'm still processing it so there may be questions to come.

I am extremely interested in competition shooting, however as I'm sure you guys know, it's not the cost of the weapon, it's the ammo costs for practice and actual competition. That is mainly why I'm interested in make competition more affordable.

LT-I don't have time to watch much TV. I have a 11 month old son and work fulltime and go to school 3/4 time!!! I can watch the Cowboys play on Sunday and that's about it. My free time is mainly spent reading. I think that I would enjoy the experimentation of reloading...seeing what works best for my weapon. I believe I would enjoy the relaxation of reloading...some time to concentrate on a simple task with the bonus of having tangible results when I'm through for the day.

where can I find a reliable internet source for reloading equipment? I would like to check prices on the RCBS and Dillon.
by tehlump
Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:33 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8807

Tomneal-I'm interested in the cost savings of reloading .45 ACP.

Can you break down the price of reloading a single round of .45 FMJ?

I tried to do it once, but there are so many options such as powder type, case type/manuf. bullet manuf. etc...I didn't know where to start. I'm interested in reloading to allow me to shoot more for practice.

What would a person need to get into reloading? Not top of the line, but it would be nice if a person had the ability to reload different rounds...dies? I have 2 guns currently that I would like to reload....45acp and .30-.30. Would it be possible to buy a machine that could reload both? Currently I can buy 100 rounds of Winchester white box value pack .45 ACP for $20, obviously that works out to about .20/cartridge. So, to figure out the time to recoup my initial investment, I need to know two things, the cost of each reloaded round and the intitial cost of the equipment.

Thanks for any help!

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