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by longtooth
Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: concealed in briefcase
Replies: 10
Views: 15558

Re: concealed in briefcase

Tex1961 wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:26 pm To me. I'd say you were ok "legally anyway' as you well know 30.07 is only for open carry.. A good point was made about carrying in a purse (off body carry) which from my understanding is not anywhere to be found in any of the code as it relates to to LTC... Again, as you are very aware as an instructor, make darned sure nobody else can gain access to your firearm...
Same here from me. Before I retired I addressed briefcase along side purse. You can never turn it loose. Ladies don't leave it in grocery buggy seat and walk to the cheese counter. Men don't set it down on a table and walk away to a chair. Never turn them loose.
1. If you need it YOU can't access it.
2. Easy to snatch.

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