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by longtooth
Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:27 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: But my Pastor says....
Replies: 16
Views: 2710

flintknapper wrote:
longtooth wrote:
cjlandry wrote:Longtooth, it would make a heckuva news story if anyone ever entered your church services with violent intentions. :grin:
Hope it never does. We are not hunting headlines.
Yes there are several armed there. We have a threat response plan & go over it once a yr. That is about 2 weeks off right now.
As far as I know there has never been a return fire resolution to a chruch shooting.
Our men & the ladies responsible for calling a report in really focus on the lesser possibilities like car buglaries, or mad transients that dont get what the ask for.

I can assure you we are not the only armed church represented on this board by a long shot. no pun intended.

I knew you would be short & sweet. BUT
I figured it would be Yup! :lol: ;-)
My friend & Brother.
by longtooth
Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:26 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: But my Pastor says....
Replies: 16
Views: 2710

cjlandry wrote:Longtooth, it would make a heckuva news story if anyone ever entered your church services with violent intentions. :grin:
Hope it never does. We are not hunting headlines.
Yes there are several armed there. We have a threat response plan & go over it once a yr. That is about 2 weeks off right now.
As far as I know there has never been a return fire resolution to a chruch shooting.
Our men & the ladies responsible for calling a report in really focus on the lesser possibilities like car buglaries, or mad transients that dont get what the ask for.

I can assure you we are not the only armed church represented on this board by a long shot. no pun intended.
by longtooth
Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:07 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: But my Pastor says....
Replies: 16
Views: 2710

Marshal, I am on the other end of that. Several, SEVERAL in our church know I carry because I traind them & went to their class w/ them. Am working w/ 2 at the present & doing a Personal defense training Saturday (open to all in community) on Awareness & Verbal Assertiveness. In Tiny Town, Texas, It is impossible to remain totally unknown.
Everyone I teach, I also tell very straightly, "ask for any help you need, show & share any new learning or gear, but do it privately. This is NOT for PUBLIC discussion." That is not only for me but any others they know have a CHL.

You guys in the mega cities can define concealled as "No one knows you even have a CHL let alone that you are armed at present."
That just is not possible in our setting.
I have been to the class for my own, a renewal, Moms, Wifes, several that I trained & I have never been to even 1 that Everyone was a new acquaintance. Last renewal was probably the biggest gathering of first name friends, about 5. As soon as I walked in the door for the 2nd half, group standing visiting & "HEY PREACHER, what chuu doin here." Group :lol: "Same thing you are only I already have one". There were other groups of 2s & 3s.
I would have to drive a long way to insure I was not known at all & so would any others that have been here for 20+ yrs. One of those was the brother of the one hosting Sat. training.
In Tiny Town, Texas, it is as impossible to keep secret you attendance at CHL class as it is your attendance at church or the local watering hole.

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