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by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 3:39 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

KD5NRH wrote:
Douva wrote:Lawmakers were told there would be no formal lunch break; there was complimentary shrimp waiting for them in the recently remodeled legislators' lounge.
Next time, how about having McDonalds cater the session, and take it out of their pay?

And remodel that lounge again as a storage area. They've got tables on the floor, so until they can learn to be on time, they don't need to leave for lunch.
I wish there were some way to calculate how much of the House's time during the 2009 legislative session was spent recognize people in the gallery, recognizing birthdays and anniversaries, and commemorating people who recently passed away.

Today there were a couple of editorials commenting on the amount of time wasted by the Texas Legislature, published in Texas newspapers.
by Douva
Fri May 22, 2009 2:28 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

I kept checking on the streaming video from the House and couldn't figure out why they were still on the Local and Consent calendar, which is usually knocked out in the first hour or so of each day.

Then I got a call from a friend who's down at the Capitol doing some lobbying. He told me what's going on. Here is the Associated Press report, for those of you who haven't heard.
Democrats use 'chubbing' stalling strategy

By KELLEY SHANNON Associated Press Writer © 2009 The Associated Press

May 22, 2009, 1:11PM

AUSTIN, Texas — Talkative House Democrats used stalling tactics Friday to prevent passage of a voter identification bill they oppose that's scheduled for debate this weekend.

Democrats — who'd warned they would put up a fight to stop the voter ID measure — began talking at length on non-controversial legislation to use up the clock. The Legislature adjourns June 1, and a number of bill passage deadlines are arriving in the next few days.

The Senate already passed a Republican-pushed bill requiring voters to show a photo ID or two non-photo ID alternatives when they cast a ballot. Democrats say that would prevent people without those forms of identification from voting and suppress turnout. If Democrats are going to stop the legislation, it will have to be in the House, where the chamber is almost evenly divided by party.

Veteran Rep. Delwin Jones, R-Lubbock, said Democratic opponents of the voter ID bill were trying to pressure fellow lawmakers to negotiate the legislation, in turn threatening scores of unrelated bills. The delay tactic, using the rules to eat up time, is known as "chubbing."

"In lieu of the filibuster, the House chubs," Jones said. "It keeps a lot of bills from being considered, which puts a lot of pressure on the members who have bills they want to pass."

The House gaveled into session 30 minutes late Friday. Then, after the usual prayer, pledge and welcoming remarks, legislators started in on a long "local and consent" agenda. It's supposed to be a non-controversial agenda of bills that usually breezes along.

But Democrats made it clear they planned to ask lots of questions on those bills and use up all the time permitted — 10 minutes per bill — to slow down the House's work pace.

One Democratic lawmaker during his questioning about a proposed municipal utility district in Waller County brought up a House leadership scandal from the 1970s. Another, questioning a Republican doctor representatives on his legislation, asked about the best remedies for nasal congestion.

Rep. Sid Miller, R-Stephenville, raised a technical point to try to prevent the whole local and consent agenda from being considered so that the House could return to major pending bills, like changes to the top 10 percent college admissions law and, potentially, voter ID, slated for Saturday. He later temporarily withdrew that technical challenge.

"Hopefully we can get back to the people's business and see less chubbing," Miller pleaded, to no avail.

Republicans huddled to talk strategy at the back of the House chamber and in an adjoining conference room, where former Speaker Tom Craddick joined them. The Republicans told news reporters to leave the room.

Rep. Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton, R-Mauriceville, said Republicans were taking a wait-and-see approach, for now.

Speaker Pro Tempore Craig Eiland, a Galveston Democrat, presided over the House early Friday instead of Republican Speaker Joe Straus, as is usually done for a local bill agenda. Eiland reminded lawmakers they had a full three minutes to explain their bills if they wanted to take all the available time.

At one point during the morning stalling, Democratic Rep. Mike Villarreal of San Antonio asked Eiland with a smile: "Mr. Speaker, are we going to break for lunch?"

Lawmakers were told there would be no formal lunch break; there was complimentary shrimp waiting for them in the recently remodeled legislators' lounge.


Associated Press writers Jay Root and Jackie Stone contributed to this report.
by Douva
Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:17 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

Codename46 wrote:
Douva wrote:The committee hearing for HB 1893 is scheduled for this coming Monday, March 30.
Crap. That means SG will probably get to them before we do.

Should we contact committee members to convey our support for the bill?
I think a brief email to each of the committee members, along the lines of, "I'm a student at the University of Texas, and I strongly support House Bill 1893," would be appropriate. Just remember to keep it short and respectful. You don't want to come across as lecturing, and this definitely isn't the time to lash out at our opponents. Plenty of people are working very hard to make our case to the legislature, so you don't need to feel like it's your job to sell the committee members on this bill. You just want to make sure they hear from students who support it. Be sure to sign the emails with your name, classification, and major, as well as your address and phone number.

You can find the committee members' contact information here:" onclick=";return false;

Remember, the UT Student Government isn't lobbying unopposed--the NRA, the TSRA, and SCCC have all been working with these legislators for months.
by Douva
Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:49 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

The committee hearing for HB 1893 is scheduled for this coming Monday, March 30.
by Douva
Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:22 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

Codename46 wrote:
Douva wrote:
Codename46 wrote:Rep. Naishtat sent me this e-mail through his staffer after I sent him a copy of the TXSCCC handbook:
March 18, 2009

Dear Mr. Shi:

Thank you for writing to me and expressing your support for legislation that would allow concealed handgun license holders to carry firearms on university campuses. I truly appreciate you taking the time to write and providing me with a copy of the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Handbook.

House Bill 1893, authored by Rep. Joe Driver, and SB 1164, authored by Sen. Jeff Wentworth, would allow a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on university premises, or on any grounds or building in which an activity sponsored by the institution is being conducted. While you articulated valid points and the arguments presented in the handbook are strong, I am still not convinced that I should support these bills.

As you probably know, the Texas Penal Code, Section 46.03, stipulates that a person may not carry a firearm on the grounds of any educational institution. Given the history in the Texas House of bills concerning firearms and educational institutions, I do not think that legislation allowing persons with concealed handgun permits to carry firearms on university campuses would be successful. (what the heck does this even mean??)

If you would like to follow the progress of bills during the session, you may register for the Texas Legislature Online's "My TLO" feature at" onclick=";return false;. This feature allows you to track the progress of bills and receive email alerts as the status of a bill changes.

Thank you, again, for sharing your views with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or recommendations on this or any other issue


Elliott Naishtat

State Representative
Given Naishtat's voting record on gun rights bills and the fact that his district encompasses UT, I'm not optimistic about getting him to support this bill; however, I do respect the guy for always providing thorough, personal responses to our inquiries. I don't know if he just has a topnotch staff or if he's really a very hands-on legislator or both, but last fall he sent me a lengthy letter (saying roughly the same thing but in greater detail) that definitely puts the responses I've received from other legislators to shame.

Did you include a copy of SCCC's rebuttal to UT Student Government resolution AR 7 with the handbook? Since UT is in his district, it's definitely important that he see that.
Crap. I completely forgot about that. Maybe I should reply to the email with an attachment of it?
I suggest sending him a letter thanking him for taking the time to look at the handbook and send you a response. Mention that, because his district encompasses the University of Texas, you feel that he should see SCCC's rebuttal to UT Student Government resolution AR 7. Include a copy of the rebuttal. The latest version of the rebuttal (it was recently updated) can be downloaded here: ... BUTTAL.pdf" onclick=";return false;
by Douva
Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:16 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

Codename46 wrote:Rep. Naishtat sent me this e-mail through his staffer after I sent him a copy of the TXSCCC handbook:
March 18, 2009

Dear Mr. Shi:

Thank you for writing to me and expressing your support for legislation that would allow concealed handgun license holders to carry firearms on university campuses. I truly appreciate you taking the time to write and providing me with a copy of the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Handbook.

House Bill 1893, authored by Rep. Joe Driver, and SB 1164, authored by Sen. Jeff Wentworth, would allow a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on university premises, or on any grounds or building in which an activity sponsored by the institution is being conducted. While you articulated valid points and the arguments presented in the handbook are strong, I am still not convinced that I should support these bills.

As you probably know, the Texas Penal Code, Section 46.03, stipulates that a person may not carry a firearm on the grounds of any educational institution. Given the history in the Texas House of bills concerning firearms and educational institutions, I do not think that legislation allowing persons with concealed handgun permits to carry firearms on university campuses would be successful. (what the heck does this even mean??)

If you would like to follow the progress of bills during the session, you may register for the Texas Legislature Online's "My TLO" feature at" onclick=";return false;. This feature allows you to track the progress of bills and receive email alerts as the status of a bill changes.

Thank you, again, for sharing your views with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or recommendations on this or any other issue


Elliott Naishtat

State Representative
Given Naishtat's voting record on gun rights bills and the fact that his district encompasses UT, I'm not optimistic about getting him to support this bill; however, I do respect the guy for always providing thorough, personal responses to our inquiries. I don't know if he just has a topnotch staff or if he's really a very hands-on legislator or both, but last fall he sent me a lengthy letter (saying roughly the same thing but in greater detail) that definitely puts the responses I've received from other legislators to shame.

Did you include a copy of SCCC's rebuttal to UT Student Government resolution AR 7 with the handbook? Since UT is in his district, it's definitely important that he see that.
by Douva
Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:44 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

Luggo1 wrote:Robert Duncan is opposing campus carry per his Lubbock office this afternoon (Tues). No reason given. The usual blah blah blah I support the second amendment but don't think a law that allows "anyone" (yes "anyone") to carry a handgun on campus is a good idea. And yes, my inquiry to the staffer as to whether he realizes that the bill doesn't allow "anyone" to carry a gun on campus was answered in the affirmative. She was reading from a prepared statement and read the word "anyone" so I have some question as to whether the senator knows what he is against.

If he is your senator...

1500 Broadway
Suite 902
Lubbock, Texas 79401

I would guess this bodes ill for parking lots also.
I don't know if it will make any difference, but Senator Duncan and the other members of the State Affairs committee have all been sent hard copies of the "SCCC Handbook: Texas Edition" (hard copy / PDF copy).

CLICK HERE to find out whether or not your State Senator and State Representative have received copies of the handbook.
by Douva
Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:19 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

XDJoe wrote:I have emailed and written letters sent to both Senator Seliger and Representative Smithee concerning these bills. No reply from either (although I'm not really expecting one). Senator Seliger has signed on to the campus bill but not the parking lot and Rep. Smithee has not signed on to either. If there is anyone else on these boards from the panhandle let these guys know you support these measures. A large majority in this area of Texas is very pro gun, so let Seliger and Smithee know your position.
Representative Smithee signed on to the campus carry bill today.
by Douva
Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:41 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

CWOOD wrote:I recently sent this to my Austin Representative Eddie Rodriguez:

Dear Representative Rodriguez,
> I am writing to urge you to support and, in fact, assist by co-authoring HB 1301 and HB 1898.
> HB 1301, as I am sure you are aware relates to allowing Concealed Handgun License (CHL)holders to secure their handguns
> locked in their private vehicles while on public access employer parking lots. This is a very important measure to CHL holders because many travel considerable distances to and from work. Others travel through unsafe areas or at odd times of day in circumstances where help in an emergency might be several minutes away. Personally, I leave for work in South Austin at 4:30 AM. There is very little traffic and effectively NO police presence at that time of day.

I don't want to carry IN my employers work place. I just want to be able to secure it in my vehicle while I am at work. To comply with my employers wishes now I must disarm for the entire day unless I make a special trip home after work.

To protect my employer HB 1301 also offers near full immunity for liability regarding my handgun.
> Regarding HB 1898, I also strongly urge you to support this bill. While I am not now a college student, I have one daugher who is attending Tarleton State in Stephenville. She will be getting her CHL this year at the age of 24. One hears so much about assults and muggings and rape on campus that I wish for her to have legal and effective means of self defense.
> The fairly recent news about school shootings is certainly disturbing. However it seems that the problem was not so much the presence of firearms themselves, but that there were only firearms in the hands of people intent on doing evil... UNAPPOSED. These bad people select these locations specifically because they KNOW that they will be the only ones armed. Very near the saddness that was the Virginia Tech massacres, there was an incident at the Appalachia School of Law in Grundy, Virgina. In that incident a diagruntled student murdered two faculty members and another student and wounded three others. He was later subdued by two students who went to their vehicles to retrieve stored handguns and by one unarmed student. The potential for more mayhem would have been much greater without law abiding people able, and willing, to defend themselves and others.

> I apologize for the length of this and thank you for your consideration.

> Regards

His reply from a staffer:
> Dear Mr. cwood,
> Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding concealed hand gun licenses and hand guns on campuses to Representative Rodriguez's
> attention. Representative Rodriguez is in favor and supports open hand gun laws. As for HB 1301 Representative always supports
> local control and feels it should be up to the owner of the business to address that issue. He does not believe in the state mandating rules for business owners.

With HB1893 he does not support guns on school campuses.>
> Sincerely,
> Gustavo Garza, Legislative Aide
> Office of State Representative Eddie Rodriguez

My reply:

Dear Mr. Garza,

Thank you for your response to my email to Representative Rodriguez.

If I may, I would like some clarification on a couple of points in your reply. My questions are asked with all due respect.

In your response you state that Rep. Rodriguez is in favor of and supports "open hand gun laws." As a point of information for me, could you please comment on what the phrase "open hand gun laws" means to Rep. Rodriguez? Is he in favor of the open carrying of handguns or am I misreading your comment?

Specifically in regards to HB 1301, the State of Texas has, in recent years moved to regard ones automobile or RV as an extension of ones residence, or private property, as the law relates to firearms. In the case of this bill, the protection afforded to the individual employee only extends to the locked and secured vehicle, his private property. Should the employee try to possess the handgun beyond that point, there would be no protection offered. Outside of the vehicle, the employee would ONLY THEN be infringing on the employer's private property.

As for the state mandating rules for businesses, the state and local governments have been mandating a plethora of rules and regulations to businesses since the beginning of the state. Certainly a clarification of when one person's private property ends and and another's begins would not be too burdensome.

In regards to HB 1893, while we disagree, please express my respect to Rep. Rodriguez for his unequivocal response the that issue.

Again, thank you for taking the time to answer my first email. I look forward to your consideration and reply concerning my comments regarding HB 1301.


No response yet to my correspondence with my State Senator Kirk Watson.
Eddie Rodriguez has a "D" rating from the TSRA. He was recently sent a copy of the "SCCC Handbook: Texas Edition," but I'm not optimistic about our chances of converting him. He's one of the nine members of the Public Safety committee, so his opinion is definitely important, but the bill can get out of committee without his vote.

According to Senator Watson's senior policy advisor Edna Butts, Joe Hamil is handling Criminal Justice issues for their office. If I were to take a stab at his email address, I'd guess

FYI, the University of North Texas student newspaper has a poll about concealed carry on campus on the front page of their website (halfway down, on the right side):" onclick=";return false;
by Douva
Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:47 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry
Replies: 64
Views: 42623

Re: Urgent Action Items: Parking lots & campus-carry

TrueFlog wrote:For the parking lot bill, I know many of our reps are trying to balance the employee's 2A rights against the employer's property rights. I think it's important to remind them that in Texas, we regard a person's vehicle as his private property and an extension of his home. With that mindset, this bill has nothing to do with employer's property rights since the gun never leaves the car (the employee's private property). Moreover, this bill affirms the property rights of the employee, and protects his vehicle (home) from intrusion by his employer.
Here is the argument I typically use:
Our cars are extensions of our homes. We eat in them, change clothes in them, and sometimes even sleep in them. They are, in essence, our own private embassies--our territory on foreign soil.

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