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by ScottDLS
Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:19 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes
Replies: 72
Views: 17061

Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes

ScooterSissy wrote:
RetNavy wrote:this just popped in my head this morning..... I am right handed, i carry on my right side..... wallet is in the back right pocket..... open carrying.... stopped by a LEO and asked for ID.... reach back with right hand to get wallet.... LEO sees hand going towards weapon... ??????
I was stopped on my bike once. Just like on a car's steering wheel, I kept my hands on the handlebars, and informed the policeman I had a CHL and was armed. He said "just keep your hands away from the gun, driver's license and registration please" I laughed and said "the wallet is right next to the gun on my right hip". He laughed too, and said "just no quick moves please".

He still gave me the speeding ticket ;)
joe817 wrote:Either that, or tell the LEO where your wallet is BEFORE you start reaching for it. Even if he doesn't ask, tell him anyway. ;-)
You know this is really horse hockey!!!! What the "heck" is speeding on a bicycle?

Funny story, I was running once in my town and the local police had a speed sign/camera up. I really got my fat rear moving and I was at 7mph. Local cop gave me a thumbs up :lol: . What if I was in a 3mph zone? Would they give me a ticket? "rlol" "rlol"
by ScottDLS
Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:18 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes
Replies: 72
Views: 17061

Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes

Over 90% of driving deaths are caused by sober drivers. We need to get them off the road. We should have random stops for people that might have been speeding.
by ScottDLS
Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:41 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes
Replies: 72
Views: 17061

Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes

TexasCajun wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:
A-R wrote:
Jaguar wrote:The way I see it, cops can request ID from anyone but usually that person doesn't have to provide it (see PC section 38.02). However, if you are carrying openly they can still demand your ID, and now you have to show it or you will be in violation of 411.205. Can't beat that rap or ride.

Fixed it for ya
Except there's no "ride" for 411.205 violation unless they chose to take you in for 46.02 after not producing (C)HL. Interestingly, since your "(C)HL" is not ID, 411.205 directs you to produce both. What if you prove you're licensed by producing non-ID (C)HL, but refuse to produce ID/DL? :rules:
Your CHL is a valid form of ID.
Only for voting. Otherwise why make you produce Texas ID/DL? Also, I believe that is not (technically) compliant with REAL ID Act (Federal) for ID purposes. That's why TSA may or may not accept.
by ScottDLS
Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:47 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes
Replies: 72
Views: 17061

Re: One problem/issue if licensed OC passes

A-R wrote:
Jaguar wrote:The way I see it, cops can request ID from anyone but usually that person doesn't have to provide it (see PC section 38.02). However, if you are carrying openly they can still demand your ID, and now you have to show it or you will be in violation of 411.205. Can't beat that rap or ride.

Fixed it for ya
Except there's no "ride" for 411.205 violation unless they chose to take you in for 46.02 after not producing (C)HL. Interestingly, since your "(C)HL" is not ID, 411.205 directs you to produce both. What if you prove you're licensed by producing non-ID (C)HL, but refuse to produce ID/DL? :rules:

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