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by ScottDLS
Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214
Replies: 16
Views: 4084

Re: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214

rotor wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:I believe I've heard that the DMV will do it the other way around, i.e. put it on the Drivers License if it's already on the LTC. Now I have it on both. I'm doing it for the discount, not the "recognition", but I had a Homeland Security Officer who was also a vet notice it once...

My original service member copy of my DD-214 copy 4 is very fragile and light and doesn't copy well. I don't like bringing it out, but I ordered a duplicate from the VA and it was obviously copied from a microfilm and copied even worse...So I just try to mess around with my MFC printer to make the highest quality copies I can.
I got out in 1980 and did finally get my DD-214 by request via the internet this year. It is a very good copy and I have it clearly scanned as grey scale (although photo quality would be good too). I would suggest getting a new one which might be better.
I just renewed my LTC and emailed them a copy of my DD-214. Renewal took 3 weeks and now shows veteran. I believe you have to take your DD-214 to the DPS drivers license thing to get it on your drivers license. At least that's what it says online. I am eligible to renew on line but I don't see how to give them my DD-214 so I will renew at DPS. I don't know if they will add veteran to my drivers license without the DD-214 or go backwards from my LTC. I will ask when I renew. ... ce-records

for online DD-214. They are pretty efficient...for government.
I got my copy through the web site, but the problem was the low quality of the original, which I SAW them type up on my ship before I was discharged. The paper was very flimsy carbons and they used a crappy typewriter (remember them) with an old ribbon to type it. I think I'm going take the advice I got 25 years ago when I got out, and go to the county clerk and get them to record it.
by ScottDLS
Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:25 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214
Replies: 16
Views: 4084

Re: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214

I believe I've heard that the DMV will do it the other way around, i.e. put it on the Drivers License if it's already on the LTC. Now I have it on both. I'm doing it for the discount, not the "recognition", but I had a Homeland Security Officer who was also a vet notice it once...

My original service member copy of my DD-214 copy 4 is very fragile and light and doesn't copy well. I don't like bringing it out, but I ordered a duplicate from the VA and it was obviously copied from a microfilm and copied even worse...So I just try to mess around with my MFC printer to make the highest quality copies I can.

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